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im so thankful to everyone thats been voting for this and adding it to their library n stuff!! :) it means so much to me because this is my very first story on this website

ALSO, this took a giant turn
i originally planned out an entirely different plot BUT got hooked in the whole 'running away' idea and now its led to this, NOT saying that im gonna quit this or something but im going to make another bob x reader where i will input the plot i had planned out there because this one is just me making up stuff on the spot
i dont even know if he lives in a shack but its all i got so bare with me here

im also slowly running out of ideas and i dont want to keep having the reader run away for literally no reason
this is like the 4th time ive done this in this story
and ALSO, since this is an x reader, i need to know if you guys want spice, it would be my first time writing something freaky but im pretty sure ive got it in the bag because ive read PLENTY of other ones that i could pretty much just go off of

another thing i forgot to mention
see all those grammar mistakes and sentences that literally make no sense at all? english isnt my first language, and even though this is a very overused excuse for poorly written chapters, its true, im german and half of the words im writing i had to search up so i knew the definition

also please give me ideas and dont make the comment section look like a graveyard i actually wanna continue this 

bye smooches luv you

Night of Terror - Bob Velseb x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now