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Blood (ALOT)
Gore (bones poking out type of gore...)
Mentions of Bile

(ok so guys pretend this whole time your parents were actually murdered by him ok thanks)

No. No, this is NOT how this was about to go. You'd been in this situation before - you were familiar with the shaking of your knees and the trembling of your lips; the stutter in your tone whenever you felt threatened or afraid. And you were. That was exactly how you felt, but.. you were done - You'd been through so much garbage, that at this point, the things you know he'd do to you became a blur - a foggy memory stored in the very back of your mind, never to re-surface, because right now, the only feeling you felt was anger. You were SICK of this game - what you've had to do just to escape his iron grip and pray for your never-to-come freedom.

The telephone in your hand is suddenly torn from its plug as your fingers curl around it, your stance is immediately different - one of your legs perches itself behind you whilst the other remains out front; you were ready to run - to sprint or charge; you were going to make him pay, even if it got you killed in the end. Your eyes are fierce and narrow, and he seems confused - his head tilts to the right and his smile only slightly droops.. and just now do you notice that he does not wield his rusted, blood-stained knife like he usually does.

But you don't care. You know he was here to reclaim you; your soul and possibly your flesh for him to devour without remorse - he would show you no mercy if you let your guard down again, if you displayed yourself as an innocent cowardly lamb like you'd done so many times before. So here you stood, your chest puffed out - your knuckles paling from the grip you had on the telephone; your teeth were bared and your jaw was clenched as the two of you simply stood - in place, unmoving, nothing but the silent collision of your breaths.
But then you speak - your voice is loud and confident; but it stumbles and shatters, because you're still afraid, even when you do not want to be,  "Y-you know, I-I'm done, the only thing you've put me through is hell and I'm going to make you pay, I d-don't care if it costs me my life. I'm through with running" , you raise the telephone a bit higher and inhale, "After I-I had recognized you, I thought I'd be dead already. But you're just an idiot" , for some reason, tears begin to dwell in the corners of your eyes, "You were the man that slaughtered my Parents. You didn't care at all. I want you to feel what they did." , the look in your eyes suddenly seems out of place - as though you'd gone mad; they widen immensely and the scowl on your face spirals downwards.

And then you dash - your feet pad against the ground so quickly that he almost doesn't notice you jumping on him - your chest heaves as he's knocked from his feet and clashes to the ground with a grunt; his eyes are wide, not manically so; but you know he's shocked by the way he's looking at you. You raise the telephone above your head, and as you go to swing it down; one of his hand strongly envelopes your own and you shudder as his metallic grip suddenly tightens.
"I've had about enough of you." , his deep voice sends chills up and down your spine; he sits up, your wrist still in his grip as he lodges the telephone out of your hand with his other one - he's staring you down.. he wasn't afraid, no, not at all - he was angry. And only know do you realize your fatal mistake; what in god's name were you thinking? You idiot!
The telephone is casted to the side and his head turns back to you, the grip tightens even more and it feels as though your hand is about to dislodge itself from your body - you grimace and try to back away, but he only moves closer; until he stands and drags you up with him, "I've been tryin' so hard to be nice, you know. I wasn't even gonna do anythin' until you pulled that shit." , the snark in his voice is evident enough for it to spike your fear, and you cower down even more - the bravery within you has completely vanished as you try your best to avoid eye contact, "Look at me when I'm talkin' to you." , his free hands goes to grip your jaw, he forces your head towards him - he's not smiling, his face looks so bland and his voice is so monotone all of a sudden.. it's hard to believe he's even mad at you, "I should honestly jus' kill you right here." , the tears in your eyes are on the verge of overflowing as he says that; memories flash through your mind - you've made such a huge mistake, really, you have; what had you been thinking? Did you believe you could take HIM on? You should've taken at least a moment to think - but now you believe that your thoughts had probably been scrambled and twisted into ones born from rage.

Night of Terror - Bob Velseb x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now