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No matter.

You clean up the spilled popcorn from the couch and shut off the TV, settling the remote right back where it was stolen from. You take the two stained bowls towards the kitchen, rinse them out and then set them down in the sink for you to deal with tomorrow. Your eyes feel oddly heavy tonight; but for some reason, you aren't as tired as you would have expected. You sigh and spin on your heel, making your way towards the stairs and advancing down the long hallway towards your room at the very end. Swinging the door open, everything is just the same as it was when you'd left it from your trip to the bathroom. The window still creeped you out, so you shut it and pulled the blinds in front of it. You open the bathroom door and undress yourself, placing your clothes in the wash bin and stepping into the shower. It takes you a moment to adjust to the hot water, but you eventually fully step under the shower head and begin scrubbing your hair with shampoo and conditioner. (I'm not going to fully describe a shower scene)

You finally finish and step out of the shower, making sure you didn't soak the floor too much. You dry yourself off with a towel and put on the PJs you had chosen previously and placed on the counter. You face the mirror and grab your toothbrush and hairdryer, placing the hairdryer on the side whilst you put a decent amount of toothpaste on your toothbrush and began scrubbing. It takes you a few minutes to finish, but you eventually rinse off your toothbrush and settle in back in the cup; advancing to drying your hair off and hopefully get out of here. Your bathroom feels like its boiling you alive.

You've completed everything you needed to, and exit the bathroom sluggishly, your exhausted limbs now hanging loosely by your side. Practically leaping onto your bed, you remain careful as to not smash your laptop beneath your weight - considering this had happened way too many times before. You grab and flip it open, tucking yourself beneath your covers and turning it on;  inputting your password. Since you aren't exactly tired, you could just sit on social media for a while. You didn't need to worry about waking up early since you never got shifts on the weekends.



A noise downstairs causes you to violently shift; you were so deep in a video that you hadn't even realized how late it'd gotten. Setting your laptop aside, you face your still open door - staring out into the shady, dark hallway. What was that noise? While you know that investigating usually wasn't a good idea, you couldn't seem to help it; so you removed your covers and stood from your bed, exiting your room and slowly marching down the hall towards the stairs that led to the first floor. You lean, peeking just barely over the corner of your staircase wall. Nothing. You lean out further, now being able to see your Sofa. Still nothing. This time, you fully step out of from behind the corner and go a few steps down, eyes squinting in hopes to adjust to the darkness - still nothing. Well, that was a waste of time. You spin on your heel to go back upstairs, when you hear rustling behind you. Your eyes widen and you turn around as quickly as possible, your fists clenching. You want to call out; even if it was nothing, the urge to get a reaction and decipher the situation is far too strong, so you do just that, "Hello? If anyone's there, show yourself! N-now!" , you didn't mean to stutter, but you were shaken up - unhinged and ready to sprint. You'd never been in a situation like this, which made it even worse. You furrowed your brows as you got no response - you KNEW someone was here, you'd heard them, "I said show yourself! O-or else I'll call the police, I know you're in here!" , you try to remain confident; try to keep your composure, but you're terrified, you really are. Perhaps you're overreacting, and you're screaming into your pitch-black living room for nothing at all - maybe something simply brushed up against your window.


Yeah, that was probably it.

You let out a breath you hadn't realized you were holding and relax your tense shoulders. Your fear abruptly vanished as you came to your sudden conclusion that no one had actually broken inside your house. Turning to your right, you finally flip on the light switch; which you now feel stupid for not doing before. You enter your kitchen and run the faucet, filling a small glass of water and gulping it down in mere seconds. You set the glass into the sink, along with the two bowls and rest your hands on the kitchen counter for a moment; just to recollect your thoughts. What time was it even? You didn't think to check the time when you'd left your room; the only way you could tell it was late was by looking out the window, where millions of stars danced in the inky abyss above - and despite its calming aura, the sky never seemed to calm you down in the slightest. Oh, you're also pretty hungry right now.

You raise your head and look at your shattered clock that loosely hung on the wall - supported by a singular, crooked nail. It was currently 12:14AM - you needed to head to bed; even if you didn't have any plans for tomorrow, it'd be best if you hit the hay so you could actually function properly. Or maybe you should stay up? In all honesty, you weren't sure, and at the same time, it didn't seem to matter.

You eventually seem to have evaporated your Midnight Hunger by fetching yourself a half-frozen apple from your fridge - proceeding to flip all the lights back off; you headed back upstairs, towards your room. You march through the doorway once more and flop face-first down onto your bed, rolling over onto your back and then pushing yourself up into a sitting position. You scoot against the head of your bed and set your laptop back on your lap, only to realize it was low on battery. You let out an annoyed groan and shut it down, getting up again to plug it into its charger.. when something catches your eye. Your closet was now open, with some of your belongings hanging out - some even scattered across your dresser and floor. What the hell? Sure, you weren't exactly the most organized person, but you were deathly sure you hadn't left it in such a state. Once you've plugged in your laptop, you set it on your bedside table and make your way over to your somehow messy closet, placing both hands on your hips, "I don't remember leaving this open." , you mumble, an almost inaudible tone, "Nor do I think I became a rabid wolf and scattered my clothes like this. This is going to take years to reorganize.." , despite your vocal protest; you make a mental note to clean this up tomorrow. You turn back around and head towards your bed, jumping back into its comfortable sheets for what you believe would be the third time today. You could.. just go to bed right now. Sure, you were a little creeped out at the moment - but you're sure you'd forget it in the morning. You always do.

(1264 words)

Night of Terror - Bob Velseb x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now