Letter Eight

534 25 10

Hello love,

So I decided to stay home from school today. I didn't feel like being stuck in hell for six hours, even though hell seems to follow me wherever I am. I'm very upset at the moment. My emotions are flowing all throughout my body. I can feel the anger in my veins rushing around with my blood. I haven't been positive at all lately. I feel as if nobody would even care if I died right at this very moment. As if, only two people would even cry if I died. Sad, isn't it?

I don't know what is making me feel or think this way. I hate it, I want to stop, but I can't. It's like I can't help but bring myself down along with everybody else. I feel as if I deserve all of this. I deserve to be treated the way I am. I deserve to be put down and hurt. I deserve to die...

What is wrong with me?


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