chapter 1

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A/n: English is not my first/native language so im sorry for so many mistakes my spelling is not very good yet

Munching on some popcorn i wanted tv. It was peaceful into a heard a crash. I picked up my knife and went to the sound of the noise. "Nighty night." I said and went to stab the red man before me only get a knife against mine own.

"Did you know if you eat a human brain you'll get a disease similar to mad cow?" Nice voice.

"Like hell you can kill me." I jump back and he jumps at me. 'Shit! Big man.' We fall over and I hold my knife trying to stab his head while he old my arm with his free one, the other trying to stab me, that i hold with my free hand.

I can't hold him back and still try and fight much longer. I stop trying to stab him back and use move my hands to move his hand holding the knife. Making his stab it into my fucking wood floor. My fucking floor. I kick him off of me and flip out roles. His knife luckily for me but also not, because its MY floor, is still in the boards.

"Did you know cannibalism is not illegal?" I said giving my own fact pointing my knife at him while now being on top. His giant grin turned to a smirk.

"What are you gonna do eat me?"

"You seem like you would be tasty." A load knock was heard from my front door.


"Shit. Hide in the basement they find you where both fucked so just go." I said pushing hin down leaving the knives in the kitchen. I open the front door and smile.

"Well hello, how may i help you two?"

"Listen there's a killer lose have you seen any big red demon dressed up guys?"

"Omg! A killer?! N-no i haven't sir." I said faking being scared. They nod and apologize before leaving. "Idiots." I say and close my door and lock it. Taking my knife off the counter and open the door to my basement, walking down.

I turn on the light and see him smiling happily at my collection. "Are you smiling at the bones or knifes-?"

"Both sweetheart." He replied walking towards me. "How about a truce?"

"What's in it for me?"

"A little partner in crime, and if i get caught i won't tell them about you." He's kind cute so maybe.

"Deal." I said putting my knife in my pocket. "But you better lay off for tonight or they're gonna get you." I took him back ip and we at down to watch was i was before. "M/n l/n."

"I think ill stick with sweetheart. And its bob velseb."

"Why sweetheart. "

"You have a cooler of human hearts in your basement.

"Fair point." I said with a yawn.

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