chapter 5 next day

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The next day was normal. Well if doing nothing was normal. After we cleaned up we fall asleep for the night together. The next morning we both greatly craved human flesh, so we cooked together and now we are sitting on the couch watching a movie with me laying on bob.

He's grown very protective, and loving with me, not that i mind. Just something new. With the often contact,hugs, and kisses.

Probably my favorite part, he's a good kisser and loves to give me kisses. And he's smooth with it.

"You thinking of me~" bob said picking me up and turning me around complete on his lap so I'm facing him. "Your red darling~"

Not answering him i just wrap my arms around his neck and give him a kiss. "Where you thinking about making out~" he whispered to me slipping his tongue in my mouth, exploring it while i did his.

"Kinda like like you." I said kissing his check, poking his horns he keeps on.

"I kinda like like you to darling." He said smiling at me. While i smiled back.

A/n: tomorrow is a mental health day for me, so no update that day, but i will the next don't worry.

Its just important to keep up with school and myself, making sure I'm not to stressed or pressured.

But i love reading your comments and sorry for a shit post feel bad javing a a/n with no chapter at all.

So thank y'all for understanding into Wednesday love y'all<3


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