823 13 4


October, Park 20 mins from Compound, Present Day (Saturday night)
TW: mention of §úîçįđə

S: *worried* …Nat?

N: I told you I couldn't explain over the phone. *For a moment, Steve is speechless. He quickly snaps out of it and begins assessing the situation.*

S: You're ok?!

N: Yeah, I'm fine…*She looks down at you, snuggled up in her arms.*

S: *walking closer* Is she hurt? 

N: *sadly* No…not physically. *As Steve is trying to make sense of this, you shift in Nat's arms, exhaling deeply.*

S: Here, why don't two you get in the car? It's freezing out here. *Steve opens the door for Nat as she slowly gets in, still holding you.*

N: Ah, I forgot her toys- *Steve stops her.*

S: *quietly* It's alright, I got em. *Steve smiles reassuringly and carefully closes the door. He jogs over and gathers all your toys in your backpack. Nat grabs the note from her pocket, ready to hand it to Steve once he comes back. It's the only way she can justify this situation. Steve double checks around the bench, just to be sure he didn't miss anything. Then he comes back in the car and sets your backpack down on the floorboards.*

S: *pausing, making eye contact* Nat- 

N: I was going out for a walk when I heard crying. Truly terrified sobs. *peeking down at you, covering you up a bit more* I found her beside the bench. She said she couldn't find her mom. I told her I would stay until she came back…but I don't think she's going to. *Nat hands the note to Steve. She watches his expressions change ever so subtly as he absorbs every word. As he finishes, he shakes his head.*

N: *failing to find her voice* I know.

S: *strangled, sorrowful* I don't care who you are or what happened to you, but if you decide to give up your child, at least make sure they're safe. Anyone could've picked her up out there. Anything could've happened-  *He stops himself and inhales deeply, trying to keep his composure. Steve grips the steering wheel a bit tighter, running his thumb over the leather.*

N: *pleading murmur* Steve…what are we going to do? 

S: *sighing* It's too late to do anything tonight…We'll have to take her home and figure it out tomorrow. *Steve knew that's what Nat wanted to do, otherwise she would've driven you to a safe haven facility by now. He backs out of the parking lot and begins driving.*

S: I'll have Sam and Buck drive back here tomorrow and pick up your car. *Nats nods and makes sure you're secure in her lap.*

N: *quietly talking to you* I know…today's been rough, hasn't it? *Steve keeps watch over you two in the rear view mirror, pitying the small bundle in Nat's arms.*

S: *disbelieving, under his breath* I knew her mother looked tired, but- *sigh* We just saw them today… *They drive home in silence, contemplating their next decisions. Just about half an hour passes until they reach the compound. As the car slows and Steve parks, you stir in Nat's arms.*

N: *quietly* Oh, I think she's waking up. *You rub your eyes and mumble a bit as the car lights turn on.*

Y/n: *mumbling tiredly* Mmmmgghh, s'too bwight. *You cover your face with Nat's jacket.*

N: No, you have to try to wake up. We gotta get you cleaned up before you go back to sleep. *Your hair is tangled and you have a thin layer of dust and dirt on you from the park. You smell faintly of earth and hot metal. That park isn't exactly the newest, so all the toys are older and rickety, hence the scent of merry go rounds, slides, benches, and swings. Nat slowly stands you up on the ground so you can wake up. You're still out of it. You try walking, but you start wobbling and you fall on your backside, unphased. Nat and Steve chuckle and help you back up. Your eyes are still closed and your head is slumped. You make grabby hands above you, not knowing you're reaching out to Steve.*

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