I start to love FFN

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Or at least to like it more than AO3.

First of all, I just like the process of posting fics on there more. Maybe because FFN has, to some extend, a cover function. It surely is lesser annoying than AO3 and Spirit.

Genfics are better received on there. My 2 fics as of now have nearly 600 and 700 reads on there. And I have 9 comments so far.
To be fair, their TOS banned smut (though the mods don't really enforce that one).

The mobile app is wonderful to read! Not optimal, but better than the browser madness that is reading on AO3.
Though, the app is only good for reading.

Why I love Wattpad, tolerate AO3 and hate Fanfiction.netWhere stories live. Discover now