Chapter 2 - An Alien for a Roommate

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(AN: That's all for today I'll be sure to update daily :)

"W-Wuh?!?!" Kohane fell back, very flustered and she let go of the girl's hands and hit her desk. The space girl backed away and grinned in embarrassment. "Sorry. I really need to work on my greeting skills. Hmm will this work? Hi human I'm An from another planet how is your earthy little life going? Yeah, that sounds better!" An declared. Kohane was still flustered and she stared at An. The black haired girl stared back. "Too weird? Yeah I think so too. Maybe just a simple greeting. Hi I'm An Shiraishi, who are you?" An asked Kohane. The shorter girl couldn't find the words. "Uhh m-my name is K-Kohane Azusawa." Kohane stammered.

An's embarrassed grin turned into an excited grin. "I can't believe I actually met a human! You don't look violent like the books we found from the old librarian. I don't even know why we have a library since we don't even make books but they can do whatever they want. Oh yea sorry for spooking you with my ship. I lost control of it and, well, crashed it." An looked at the now steaming ship. She put her hands on her hips and sighed deeply. "My dad is gonna kill me if he hears about this, raise me from the dead to give me an earful, then will ground me to my pod forever. Not the best life." An looked at Kohane with expectancy in her eyes. Kohane still couldn't find the words to talk. But she had so many questions crammed into her head. (What are you? Are you a human or a thing? Why are your ears pointy? How did you get a spaceship in the first place? HOW ARE YOU MAKING SMALL TALK NOW???) Kohane wanted to scream.

She finally found the words to talk. "Um, what are you anyway?" She asked as politely as she could. An smiled and laughed. "An alien! I come from a planet not like yours! Earth seemed fun so I came to check it out. And you could ignore the pointed ears. I can hide them." An tucked her hair over her ears. Kohane gave a thumbs up and finally, stood up. "How did you even get your spaceship?" Kohane looked at the large ship. An suddenly had a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Well I stole it of course! My dad does not guard his ships that well so it was pretty easy. But now I crashed it and if he finds out he'll turn me into alien mush." An said. Kohane had a few more questions for the strange alien girl. "Do you have powers or something?" Kohane asked for the sake of her house not crumbling on them. An nodded and did finger guns. "You should step out of the way." Kohane quickly did and bolts of electricity shot out of An's fingertips. They struck the wall and left a charred spot on the wall.

Kohane looked back at An with a shocked expression. An lowered her finger guns and looked proud. "Sorry that I burned your wall. Oh yea, there's another thing I can do!" An suddenly morphed into a large jet black tiger with blue stripes. Kohane jumped back and her snake hissed from its terrarium. The An tiger licked its jet black paw and turned back into normal An. The two girls didn't notice the front door behind them open and a tall boy with ginger hair came in. He had green eyes and wore a black sweater with a yellow hoodie underneath. He saw An and was curious to see another person in Kohane's house. An turned to reveal her pale blue skin which surprised Akito. "Hi! What's your name?" An asked. Kohane leaned to the side to see the ginger. "Wait Akito she's not a threat-" Kohane was cut off when Akito pulled out a gun (I'll explain this later.) "Oooo is that a normal gun? It looks boring compared to ours. Here look!" An pulled out an interesting looking gun. "Akito, she isn't dangerous!" Kohane yelled. Akito did not lose his grip on the gun.

"Kohane, would you like to explain why there's an Avatar rip off in your house?" Akito asked. An was confused. "Avatar? What the hell is that? It sounds interesting, could you show me where it is later?" An asked, now rambling. Akito still held the gun tightly. "Who are you?" He asked harshly. An thought about it for a bit. "An alien! Hi other human are you Kohane's friend?" An asked in a friendly tone. Akito was slightly surprised and the grip on his gun loosened. "Why is there a hole in the ceiling?" Akito asked, noticing the large hole and spaceship. Kohane sighed. "Mishap with An. Oh yea, Akito, this is An. An, my friend Akito." Kohane hoped to stop the tension between the two. Well, at least the tension Akito was feeling. He pocketed the gun back but still had that suspicious look on his face. "I can help patch up the hole if you want. And greet your new friend." Akito said the last line with a twinge of suspicion. An smiled. "I'm glad you didn't shoot me, orange man! But if you try again, I have a freeze ray." An pulled out the weird gun again. "Okayyy- wait, orange man?!" Akito was offended.

Kohane was too busy trying to clean the burned piece of her wall. An yawned but it sounded more like a cat yawn. "So is she living with you now?" Akito asked Kohane. She shrugged. "She has nowhere else to go. And you see her, she'll be thrown into jail before she's outside for even a minute!" Kohane gestured to An who was now practicing shooting her electricity from her fingers. "But what if she incinerates us?" Akito remarked. Kohane sighed. "She seems to like me alright? And she doesn't seem that dangerous. She's only gonna be dangerous to my furniture and house." Kohane did a very dramatic gesture to the spaceship and the large hole in the wall. An looked at the two with a look of curiosity. "So, what are we gonna do? Could I go outside and look around? I can go in tiger form." An turned into the black tiger and Akito flinched back. Kohane sighed and shook her head. "An, if the neighborhood sees a large black tiger walking around they're gonna call the authorities on us." Kohane said as An turned back into herself.

An thought about it and then nodded. "Okay suits yourself. But can we explore at least once? Earth sounded fun when Mizuki explained it to me. They said there's cats without six legs and three tails! How crazy is that?" An laughed while Kohane and Akito both had dumbfounded expressions. Akito leaned in to whisper to Kohane. "If the dogs are like that, count me out." He hissed into Kohane's ear. An seemed to have really good hearing since she answered Akito. "Oh it's even worse! The dogs we have are one eyed, and have large fangs including six legs! Those freaky little things I love them." An sighed. Akito looked like he was gonna hurl his pancakes just hearing it. Kohane cracked a small smile. "It's okay Akito. I'm not planning to go to another planet any time soon." Kohane said. She ended the conversation at that to make sure An didn't burn the microwave and left Akito wondering, (But are you sure you're right...)

(Word count: 1259 words

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