You felt like home

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Hey, I know you probably won't even read this
I know, we haven't talked and it's been a minute
I'm still here, heart no longer beating
It's broken as fuck, wont try to heal it
How was your day, I'd really like to know
I'd ask you, but you don't reply anymore
I get it, you no longer want to be my friend
I've accepted it, but it doesn't hurt any less
I know I messed up, I fell in love with you
It's crazy, I thought you felt something too
Even once it was out there, nothing changed
But eventually, seemed like you pulled away
I'd have to text first, or we wouldn't talk
Weeks could go by, you didn't care at all
Realized I was just a burden, so I went quiet
Waited for a text, but my phone stayed silent
You just forgot about me, it's okay
People always leave, no one ever stays
But you felt like home, now I'm homeless
Can't love anyone, guess I'm also heartless
I still think about you, still my best friend
You'll always hold that title, even in the end
You were always, a reason to keep living
Weren't many of them, I say that with meaning
And then you left, one of my two reasons
Wish I was dead, so I didn't have to feel it
I've been struggling lately, it's been bad
Trying not to feel, but when I do its sad
If you were here, I'd wrap myself in your arms
That's the only place, I know love comes from

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2022 ⏰

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