Outside Gardens

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Hi! My name is Theuses Minecraft, my age is 11 and I am the prince of the Atlantic. I have bright blue eyes, shinning yellow hair and I am usually known as the loud one. My job is to annoy the living shit out of my family particularly my brothers. I have 2 brothers both full blood related to me.

The eldest is technoblade but I either Call him the blade or techno. He is one of the best fighters in the world and he's only 15. He has pink hair and brownish - reddish eyes. He's very shut off when it comes to sharing emotions but he shows his love by protecting his family. He is next in line to be king when he is 18.

The middle child is Wilbur, he is one of the most wonderful singers out there. Wilbur has a very big fan base over him and he's only 14, he has brown locks and light brown pupils. He doesn't allow me to talk to boys or girls because he says they will break my heart.

Wilbur and techno are very close to one and nother because of how close they are in age. It makes me feel left out but sometimes they include me into their talk. I do half understand that they are older than me and know more than I should know but the other half of me, my child's half has decided that they hate me which isn't true at all. They love me to death and always around me except when they have alone time.

Right now I am in my room decorated with paintings, carpets and paint. I am alone because Techno and Wilbur are having their usual talk in Technos room. Ugg I have nothing to do, I am so bored I think to myself letting out a sigh of boredom. I had already done my homework that my tutor had given me and all my toys were boring to me.

It was 8am in the morning. Birds were chirping and flying around. The maids and servants were cooking and cleaning. I could hear the clock telling its time. I always hated that clock because it kept me up at night so we have to turn it off at night. I could hear Wilbur playing music in Technos room and techno laughing.

I couldn't go to my father who is the king of Atlantic because he works at these hours and gets mad at me when I interrupt his important time. Although he spends time with me and my siblings outside of work very often, he just gets mad when we try and get his attention.

I can't go to my mother, she died when I was only a four year old so I only have vague memories of her but I do remember her nun the less. She had beautiful brown and pink hair but she also had brown and pink eyes. That's what fascinated he kingdom so much was how she could have different hair coulers and ontop of that have different eye coulers. People always tell me she was an amazing queen but an even better mother.

Oh wait I could just go to the outside gardens just for a bit no one would notice I think to myself, my eyes brightening at my Sudden idea. The only problem was that the outside garden was something that was not fenced of meaning if you go outside there no guards would be protecting you if you get snatched or hurt.

My family would get mad if I went there so they didn't need to know that am going to be there and plus my brother talk together last at least 2 to 3 hour and my father works until 12am. It's fine because I will be back before then.

I quickly put on a black coat so the guards wouldn't know its me but the coat also keeps you warm so win, win. I walk past Technos room which had laughing boys inside guess they turned off the music I shrug to myself. I manage to get past the guards, I arrive at the outside garden.

I always found the outside garden very enchanting, it had hundreds of different flowers with mixed colors. I put my hand down touching the flower and running across the field. I fall down and I start laughing with joy.

My face so randomly drops when a negative thought comes to my 11 year old brain. Why don't I have friends?I wished I had friends just as the though slung into my thoughts. I heard a ruffle of leaves coming from the forest Infront of the field meaning if I were to investigate I would be going much further away from the castle.

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