Forbidden Love

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Tommy's pov:

Its been three years since me and Mark mde our promise to see eachother everyday and that what we did. Nothing has changed much about me except my age which I am now 14.

I still have the same blonde hair and blue eyes. My family hasn't gone anywhere, the only thing that has changed about my family is the fact that Wilbur is 17 and techno is 18. Technoblade my brother was supposed to become king this year but my dad and him decided to move it to two years time for techno to get used to being a legal adult.

I still love them to bits, I came out as gay to them 2 years ago and my family including the while kingdom accepted me. Unfortunately they have become even more protective now that I came out. I find it very cute and amusing when they shout at a boy for coming near me.

Nothing has changed between my relations of my brothers and father. They still hug and kiss me on me on the forehead. Lately my feelings for Ranboo have grown, I always think about him and when I do my cheeks always flush a deep red.

Techno and Wilbur haven't suspected a thing yet which makes me have hope that me and mark could also have a Realationship of course a secret one though. Me and Mark both got a phone so it was much easier to communicate when we were going to see eacother. Today I didn't have lessons since it was Saturday and mark didn't have school. We decided to meet up earlier than the usual time because he wanted to speak to me.

As I was putting on my red and gold classic shirt. A knot was growing in my stomach, I was nervous to be honest I was also scared because anyone who says we need to talk at 6am. I didn't sleep at all because I was overwhelmed by the situation that might not even happen.

I  don't take my phone with me just in case either of us get into trouble and get caught by my family which is impossible. I make my bed which I got pretty used to because of how early I was getting up to see Mark. I brushed my hair and teeth, I looked into the mirror as my hair struggled to stay up in a position of an absolute masterpiece.

I tiptoe my way down the halls passing my brothers rooms then my father's. None of them should be awake at this time, they usually only wake up at 9 or something along the lines of that.

I walked into the all familiar forest. As I walked trhogut the trees I was having Flashback and it almostade me burst into tear. "well hello my nanems theuses!" I remember standing in the same spot we met. He boys down and greets me as your majesty. I think to myself touching a tree that I leaned against the first time we met each other. I started taking the route to the playground.

"hey I wanna show you something," Mark says grabbing my hand. I think of that time when I my hair was blowing through the wind and I had a greedy smile on Mark then trips on something causing him to fall and me on top of him I start laughing at all the distant memories. As I finally arrive to the playground I was stood on the hill when I spotted Ranboo saying something to himself over and over again.

Welp theuses your the one that fell in love with the crazy guy who takes to himself. I think to myself as I sneak behind him "boo," I scared him so hard that he screamed like a little girl "bwahaha you scream like a little girl mark anyone tell you that," I say laughing my 14 year old ass off.

He grabs my chin to make me and him make eye contact "anyone tell you to respect your elders?" he asked holding my chin in my place. I was to shocked to speak, in my whole life I had never ever had someone garb my chin but I wasn't going to show that I was flustered.

"your only older than one year," I say rolling my eyes. "still makes me older than you," he says persistently. "well I am kinda royal so shouldn't you be respecting me?" I ask in a mischievous tone. After me and Mark were done laughing at the fact I used being royal against him.

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