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Tommy's pov:

I woke up at about 5am and decided I would change so I could make it to theiddle of towm early since people were probably going to be packed up. I quickly got dressed into a blue shirt and Grey pants. Those weren't usually the clothes I would wear but since it was required for the Atlantic Kingdom celebratiom I had to.

Niki was the one who suggested I needed to wake up early. I was going alon because all of my friends were math geniuses and went with Ranboo but there was Niki so she decided not to come because she needed to work since people would be coming in hungry for food.

I grabbed my jacket as if I felt obligated to since maybe in another universe where I was with my brothers but we were commoners and I was somehow soulmates with Ranboo who was a prince I forgot my jacket ehh they probably never happened I think to myself shrugging.

I grabbed some bread and started spreading butter on it. I was struggling to keep myself awake, I hadn't slept a wink knowing that my brother was going to be king and I was not there to support him.

A tear drops down from the side of my left eye. I know what will cheer me up! I think to myself grabbing my wallet out and taking a picture out of it.

I looked at the picture my fingers gently touching it from top to bottom. The fabric was Shar yet delicate, it was supposed to make me feel better but it just made me cry more looking at it.

It was me, techno, Wilbur and my father all hugged around each other in Christmas sweaters smiling the biggest smile possible. Ahh when the times weren't difficult I thought as I kissed the picture and put it back to its void of placement.

I brush my hair a bit since i was going to be in public and needed to look half decent. Sometimes people would say I looked like the prince but I would just be able to dodge that. It happens at least four times an hour when I am out in public. In fact tubbos first words to me was "hey you look like you could be the lost prince?".

After procrastinating for almost thirty minutes I got my ass up and walked to the door. It was freezing but my jacket randomly dissappeared huh maybe it did happen to me in another universe I put my lip out in thought. I walk through the crowds of people.

Yes there were already hundreds of people and it was almost 6am in the fucking morning so imagine the afternoon. I of course inherited alot of questions about why I looked so much about the run away prince but I am a God at swerving questions. I looked at the time on my watch it was 2:55 meaning the crowning would start in about 5 minutes.

I was nervous because he was my brother and what if he messed up, it would be so embarrassing for him. I cover my ears as the TV went on and started talking.

"hello Folks today is the coronation of Technoblade Minecraft," The woman says in a serious tone. The crowds started leaping and screaming for joy. I enjoyed watching so many people jump in joy for my brother.

"so let's get started everybody!" the woman's voice booms loud enough for everyone to hear her. The screen suddenly cuts and we see my whole family sitting together in a row. Wilbur had a sense of pride in his eyes not just for him but his older brother.

Techno was smiling, a general smile. I wasn't used to seeing him smile, he only used to slightly smile around me and Wilbur. He looked excited and so did my whole family. I was so happy they were happy.

Let me tell you I was shocked when technoblade told the camera that he was going to make the whole thing shorter. My mouth was gaped as well as everyone else's. Now I get it he seems eager to get of hell out of there in fact my whole family does.

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