Çhåþ†êr †hïr†¥-†wð

22 1 0

"What exactly is the plan?" Viren asked.

We were marching across Zadia. I never thought I'd walk through the fields again. I have missed the color of the sky, but I am still in prison. The figure Viren sees is just an illusion of me.

"To fulfill your wish of course. Is your wish to conquer Zadia?" I ask.

"I want humanity to spread far and wide. I want humanity to flourish, but it cannot flourish with a knife at its throat." Viren responded.

"Right... to conquer Zadia?" I ask again.

"No. I just want humanity to be safe, without elves and dragons." Viren answered. 

"You know this bright future of yours will require us to conquer Zadia." I leaned forward.

"Ugh. Yes. Yes." Viren said. 

"It's the same that it has always been. You must take down the dragon prince and take his power." 

"The dragon prince is going to be protected by the dragon queen. How are we going to get it?" He asked. 

"There is something we need over there." I say pointing. 

Viren gasped. He saw the sun fire elf city. 

"You want us to attack the Sun fire elf capital? We need to reserve our troops." Viren yelled.  

"My dear Viren, as elegant as I am. I am also efficient. We'll risk as few lives as possible, one." I say. 

"Ah... mine." Viren looked down. 

"Yes." I respond.

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