Chapter 12

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I rip myself away from Tommy as soon as we leave the establishment, tumbling out onto the pitch black streets of Birmingham

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I rip myself away from Tommy as soon as we leave the establishment, tumbling out onto the pitch black streets of Birmingham.

"What the fuck?" I ask through clenched teeth.

"We weren't getting any answers from there anyway."

I seethe. "Do you have any idea what I risked to be here tonight? All to clear my stupid fucking name for your stupid fucking guns?"

But Tommy only glances at the bruises on my face again, his jaw clenching. "I have a fair idea," he says tonelessly, turning away and walking up the street.

I have no choice but to storm angrily behind him. "I know what you're up to. You deliberately sabotaged me in there. Why's that, Thomas? Do the Peaky Blinders happen to frequent Horton's? Often enough to scribble something on a diary page after they've fucked one of the residents?"

He doesn't rise to my taunts, rolling his eyes as he opens the passenger door of his car. "Get in."

"You think I'd go anywhere with you? Not a chance."

"I'm not letting you walk Birmingham alone at night. Get in."

"I have a horse."

"Of course you do," Tommy mutters. "Always so difficult. Where's the horse?"

"Tied up next to the pub a street over." I stick my chin out. "The owner's son works for my dad. He won't let anything happen to Spangles."

Tommy raises his eyebrows, staring at me incredulously for a moment, then turns and walks up the street once more. For a moment I panic, worried he's going to take Spangles. But he leans down next to another smooth, black car, and says something to the driver before walking back again.

"My brother will take care of your horse," he says. "Your father won't even know she was gone."

I flounder for a moment. "And my stable manager?"

"Even if he has suspicions, there'll be no proof. John will make sure of that."

"You... I..." I struggle to come up with an excuse. "No," I simply say, turning and walking away as fast as I can.

He's right. The city becomes scary at this time of night. Dangers lurk in every alley, thieves and looters hide in the shadows. I don't feel safe as a woman, even with the gun in my pocket. But Tommy's well and truly pissed me off.

And he pisses me off even more when his arms catch my waist, and he lifts me easily over his shoulder.

"Thomas Shelby!" I shout, hammering at his back with my fists. "Put me down!"

"Go on, John," Tommy calls out, ignoring my protests as he finally releases me into the seat of the car.

"Evening, Kimber," I hear John Shelby call out happily, footsteps echoing across the pavement as he goes to take care of Spangles.

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