Chapter 33

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"Miss Kimber

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"Miss Kimber." Alfie doesn't look in the least surprised that I've just shown up, unannounced, at his place of work. "Come in, take a seat, make yourself at home, yeah? I've just got to make a couple phone calls and I'll be wif ya."

I sit gingerly on the edge of a chair in his dark office. He mumbles into the phone, and I glance around the room. I only catch the final words of the second phone call.

"Yep. She's 'ere. No, I'm not giving her a grand fuckin' escort through London, come and do it your bloody self."

My eyes narrow as he hangs up the phone. "Who was that?"

"Who do ya think? Thomas fucking Shelby." Alfie sighs, sitting in his chair. "Tell 'im to sort his own security for you next time."

I fight a sigh. He's been a little... overprotective lately. Aside from informing me before I left that he's had no fewer than six Peaky Blinder men infiltrate my father's security guards to keep an eye on me, he's also had one of them install a secret phone in my bedroom at my father's house, as well as hide a car in the moors beside our home in case I need to get out quickly. He only drew the line when I asked for a gun of my own. At that, he just raised his eyebrows and said, "If you ever have to use one, I haven't done my job properly."

I dread to think what else he's done that I haven't found out about yet. I'll have to bring it up properly at some point — that I'm not cattle he has ownership of. He basically said he doesn't have feelings for me, and that's fine. Honestly, it makes it easier to stifle down any of my own I might have for him. But it does give a rather warped view of our arrangement. I don't know where I stand.

I don't know that I want to stand anywhere.

I also don't know if I fully believe that.

But I suppose the protective measures beats his original idea to tie me up and refuse to let me leave. We compromised, like grown ups. This is the result.

But I did sneak a hammer from one of his factories that he doesn't know about. At least I've got something up my sleeve, rather than leaving the fate of my life up to security guards.

"Referrals," I tell Alfie, pushing my paperwork in front of him. "Women in need of racketeering services."

"Still think it's bloody barmy," he says, but can't quite meet my eye. I see the way he sits up a little taller, focusing on the details across the page.

"You can think what you like. Just be sure to pay me my percentage."

"Yeah, yeah. Cash or cheque?"

"I've opened an account with the same bank you use. Wire it straight into that, please."

Something my father doesn't know about. Something that can't be taken away from me. That's the goal — set myself up so I'll never be reliant on a man again. Though, at the moment I'm in a business partnership with Alfie.

And he turns out to be even less trustworthy than I thought when a man enters the room. "Billy Kimber's boys are here, Alf. Is the bird gonna go with 'em, or shall we restrain her?"

Blood begins to boil beneath my skin. I turn to Alfie, enraged. "You. Called. My. Father?"

Alfie lifts his hands in the air. "You were going to see him anyway, weren't ya? This way, I get to keep my bollocks. His men have been watchin' the office, you know."

"And how much did he pay you to bring me home?" I ask icily.

Alfie's gaze darkens. "Enough to cover startup costs for your business idea. Now, go on."

It's childish and petty. I shouldn't use the Tommy card — but I do. "I'll be sure to mention this when I speak with Thomas Shelby about not trusting you with security."

Alfie rolls his eyes, but I see the way his skin pales beneath his beard. He folds his arms strangely, like he's trying not to imagine how it would feel to have them cut off. Good.

I tell the other man, "Restrain me, and it'll be the last thing you ever do."

Alfie releases a low laugh. "Watch out, Gunner, she means it, too. That's Tommy Shelby's bird."

I don't bother to correct him. I follow the man from the office in silence, ready to be handed over to my father once more.


We drive to Birmingham in silence. Privately, im relieved — I'll feel better being at the Birmingham house. My things are there, and the horses. There's more space. Room to get away.

The guards all hold pistols. I glance at each of them in turn, wondering if any are Tommy's men. When we reach the countryside, and then the driveway to the house, nerves begin to unfurl in my stomach. I don't know what wrath or onslaught I'm heading into. There's every chance my father's going to kill me, accidentally or on purpose.

My fingers curl a little tighter around the hammer in my pocket.

The men lead me through the house, up the stairs and into his office. It's empty. My father's not here. But still they crowd the door, making it so I cannot leave. I clear my throat and take a seat by the window. My gaze rakes across the grounds, the arena where Toby's training a few of the horses.

And then, on a whim, I pour myself a glass of whiskey. Might as well have one last drink before the war.

My father walks slowly into the room to find me like this. Sitting in his chair. Drinking his scotch.

I meet his gaze, and everything in the room looks like it's shaking with my own fury. My own bruises have healed, everything except a light blistering and pink, newly formed skin where he burned me. He's not been so lucky. There's still bruising around his eyes from where I broke his nose.

"My boys tell me you've been visiting Alfie Solomons."

"He is my future husband, after all," I retort sarcastically.

But my father nods slowly. Horror drops like a lead weight in my gut — oh no. Surely he can't still be thinking that, still plotting that...

He says, "I knew you'd see reason. It's good to have you back."

And then he leaves. Walks from the room without a further word. Leaving me gaping, a swooping feeling in my abdomen like I've missed a step while coming down a staircase.

I seem to have accidentally landed myself back into a marriage pact with Alfie Solomons.

I wonder which of us Tommy will kill first.

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