Chapter 23

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I can't remember falling asleep

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I can't remember falling asleep. Only Tommy's soft voice as he reaches Exodus. It feels like only a second later when my eyes snap open to daylight, and I find myself alone.

Good, I think to myself. It's becoming much easier to hate him when he isn't actually around — muddying my thoughts and clouding my morals. Wanting to fuck him is excusable. Almost understandable. I mean, it's Tommy Shelby, for crying out loud.

But I should still be furious with him. When he tells me he owns me, I should be outraged. Not soaking through my underwear. This could still end in bloodshed. If my father did steal the guns, war will break out. There's still a chance Tommy could kill me.

I refuse to give him the satisfaction of knowing he fucked me first. 

My logical brain knows all this. My vagina doesn't. It protests, and I know as soon as I'm in Tommy's vicinity again, all these logical thoughts will leave me in a torrential flood.

Keeping this in mind, I make quick work of checking out of the hotel and heading for the train station. I glance bitterly after the coal trains that depart for the Cotswolds. There goes my envisioned life, with the small flat and the bike ride to work. After what Tommy said, I'm not stupid enough to pursue it. I'd rather not risk the humiliation of him dragging me back on a train to Birmingham.

But I am still free to go where I choose. To conduct my own business. I spent all morning thinking it over. I'm neutral. Neither Kimber nor Blinder, at least not in terms of holding any power.

And so is Alfie Solomons. He's crossing my father. And if the enemy of my enemy is a friend, that makes him my natural ally.


Alfie at least has the grace to look sheepish as he opens his front door and finds me standing there.

"Miss Kimber," he says, trying and failing to appear unfazed. His gaze shifts nervously down the street. "I would invite you in, 'cept Thomas Shelby threatened to cut my arms off if I talk to you."

My heartbeat quickens a little at his words. I can't tell if it's annoyance or something else. The thought of Tommy here, making threats to keep me safe... maybe even covered in a little blood, his hair all messed up...

I quickly clear my throat. "Tommy's not here. I am. And I'm prepared to tell my father that you're fucking him over if you don't hear what I have to say."

Alfie seems to balance his options. Wisely, he chooses to let me in. But he still can't meet my gaze. I notice him scratching at his arms more than once, as though wondering how it'll feel to live without them.

"Not much of a welcome for your future wife," I comment drily.

His hands shoot up in a defensive gesture, words now tumbling from him. "Now, now, I'm not stupid enough to go defying Billy Kimber, and I sure as shit ain't mad enough to turn down the offer of his daughter's hand in marriage. I'd have woken up with a bullet in me brain. Tell me I'm wrong. Go on, tell me."

"And yet you said nothing to me."

Alfie sighs. "I told ya, I'm not about to go pissing off—"

"And here I thought we'd just agreed that I'm a greater threat to you than my father. At least, momentarily." My eyes flicker to the other armchair in the room. "Sit down."

"Fuckin' tell me what to do in my own house," he mutters, but he plonks himself down, just as I said.

I tell him, "I have no interest in marrying you."

"Respectfully, Miss Kimber, I'm glad to hear that," Alfie says. "You'd make a fine wife. But you don't follow the scriptures, and in any case, I'd rather not be tied down."

"Then we're on the same page." I meet his gaze. "But I do believe we can form another sort of partnership. One that will benefit us both."

He looks intrigued for a moment, before slamming back down to reality. "Nope. Piss of Thomas Shelby and Billy Kimber in one move? Forget it."

"You haven't even heard what I have to say!"

"Then fuckin' get on with it," he sighs, leaning back in the armchair.

"How much money and time do you think you waste racketeering? Offering your services, being told they're not needed. Creating enough danger some mobster or another decides they are, after all."

"That's the nature of the business."

"It doesn't need to be. You're wasting your time with mobsters, when you should be marketing to women."

Alfie blinks. "Racketeering housewives? Are you mad?"

"Think about it," I urge. "You could charge a shilling a day for the protective services of your men. They could escort women through the cities. Make it the fashionable thing, something to be desired — but cheap enough most can afford it."

"I haven't enough bloody men."

"Even better. Low supply and high demand makes for an exclusive service. They can book a half-day, full day. Nights can cost extra."

Alfie considers it for a moment. "It'll never take off," he finally decides. "Women have husbands to do all that for 'em."

I raise my eyebrows. "Not all of us. And husbands have to work. They have to go out for game nights or drinks at the bar."

I note with triumph that he's run out of excuses already.

"Alright," he finally says. "Let's say I see some merits in the idea and I do go through with this. What are you wanting out of it?"

"Twenty-percent cash."

Alfie barks a laugh. "Dream on."

"I gave you the idea. I'll give you the leads, for women who might be interested. And I'll keep silent about your collusions with the Italians. Sounds fair to me."

He considers me for a moment, comprehension dawning across his face. "Blackmailing me into this, aren't you?"

"Not if I don't have to," I reply. "Between you and I, I'd rather be training horses in Gloucester."

"Your father would find you and hunt you down like a Christmas pig," Alfie grunts.

"Exactly." I decide not to mention the other acquaintance of ours who would reach me first. "But I need an income, and I intend to be fully anonymous about my involvement."

He sighs. "Fine. I'll fucking think about it. In the meantime, you tell Thomas about all this, yeah? If he comes up here again wielding a pair of pliers, you can fuckin' forget it."

I roll my eyes. "Pleasure seeing you again, Alfie."

"Not a word of this to your father neither, you hear me?"

"Loud and clear."

For all the reassurances Alfie needed that he wouldn't be punished for our business arrangement, I wonder if he has any idea how angry Tommy's going to be with me for suggesting it in the first place.

I catch the next train back to Birmingham, deciding it better to face his wrath head-on.

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