Chapter 29

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Michael's shifty-eyed as we all stand in his office

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Michael's shifty-eyed as we all stand in his office.

Not that I can blame him. His entire family, along with myself and Isaiah, are crammed into the room. All waiting on bated breath as he rummages through a binder.

Well. Not all waiting on bated breath.

"Arthur, you're a decent bookie," John smirks. "What would you say are the odds Kimber's name's on that list?"

Arthur scratches his head. "This Kimber, or Billy Kimber?"


I shoot John a glare, but he's grinning.

Arthur frowns. "Fifty-fifty, isn't it? The name's either on it, or it's not."

Tommy, midway through drawing on a cigarette, turns to his brother with a look of bemusement. "Remind me again why I let you book the races?"

Polly rolls her eyes. "Pack it in, the three of you. Michael... what does it say?"

Her son's quiet, face drawn as he pulls a sheet of paper free and reads it. We all hang in silence. My heart thuds loudly enough I worry everyone can hear it, slamming frantically against the walls of my chest. I'm facing exoneration or implication — and there's every chance the Shelby's could turn on me if I'm implicated.

Not to mention the damn shame. That alone would be reason enough to have me contesting the names written on paper. Wondering where I stand with Tommy.

I remember our earlier promise. If I'm wrong, I have to kneel before him and admit it in front of his brothers. In front of a smirking John and bemused Arthur.

I'd rather die.

Michael begins to mumble something, but Tommy reaches over the desk and plucks the page neatly from his fingers. I scowl at the handcuffs still linking our wrists. Not that I'd minded them so much last night, our bodies tangling as we fought to get comfortable in his bed. When I wanted to roll over, he wrapped his arms around me so I could do so with the handcuffs. The lamp stayed on, and every so often I'd hear the gentle scrape of paper as Tommy turned a page. I don't know if he slept all night. I don't know if I did, either.

My joints are locked up, every part of my body tense as Tommy reads. His face is indiscrutable. I can feel Michael's eyes burning into me.

"The usual suspects," Tommy blinks. The paper rustles between his fingers. "Only one person out of the ordinary."

My stomach sinks. I think I might throw up.

"Roberts," he says quietly. His gaze flits to my own. "Occupation... Accountant."

My blood turns to ice.

"Let me see that," I demand, my voice shaking as I snatch the list from him.

Everyone's silent as I scan the page furiously. Sure enough, there it is in ink. There must be a mistake. Maybe Tommy didn't fuck with this, but — maybe someone else did. Arthur. Or Arthur knows who did do it, and heeded them off.

But even as the desperate thoughts turn through my mind, I know I'm being illogical. If they wanted to frame my father, they would have written Billy Kimber. I doubt anyone in this room besides Tommy even knows who Roberts is.

But judging by the looks on their faces, they're piecing it together.

"Arthur," I say quietly, lifting my chin. "Do you have the keys?"

"Oh. Uh."

He rummages through his pockets, finally slipping the clink of metal into my palm. I can't bear to look at Tommy. To look at any of them. My cheeks burn as I release the chain binding us together.

Then Tommy's voice cuts through the room. "Did you know?"

It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what I say. None of them are going to believe me.

"I have a meeting," I say. It's not technically a lie — I do need to see Alfie at some point.

But Tommy's not letting me escape so easily. His voice turns sharp. "Kimber, did you know?"

"Of course she didn't," Polly says, her voice a hushed whisper. "Just look at the poor girl, Tom."

I flare in gratitude for Polly. But I don't need pity. And it's the last thing I want from Tommy. I'd rather he hate me.

From the way he's staring, he just might.

Finally, Michael breaks the silence. "I, um... I'm going to check on the stables before the races this weekend. You coming?"

"Yeah, yeah," Finn and Isaiah say, awkwardly fixing their clothes and leaving.

Michael reaches for the list before he leaves. Presumably to keep in his perfectly organised, neatly stacked files. I hand it to him. I feel strangely empty.

"Come on, Pol," Arthur says awkwardly. "Think we could all use a drink."

"This doesn't bloody prove anything," Polly points out. "You'll need more evidence before we can be sure."

Tommy nods in agreement. "But it's a start."

Polly takes my face in her hand, eyes scanning my own. "Come with me," she says.

Tommy glares warningly. "Pol..."

I can tell he wants to speak with me alone. But I'm suddenly glad for any excuse to stall having to talk to him. I'm willing to prolong my retribution by any means necessary.

"Coming, Polly," I say quickly.

I can feel Tommy's eyes on my back. And while he won't say anything in front of Polly, I can feel the threats that lurk there. The way he'll remind me I'm his property or some shit when we're alone once more.

What else was it he'd threatened? When I find the proof I need... I'm going to punish you. I have many ideas, all of them ending with your screams. The good kind.

My stomach flips. "See you later, Tommy." 

I dash out after Polly, praying she'll have some magical clue that will prove my innocence before Tommy gets his hands on me.

And, if I'm being completely honest with myself... equally praying she doesn't.

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