The Blackmailer, Garbage Eater, and the Poodl-*COUGH*- BEAST

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"Young man!" The lady screeched at the top of her lungs, "you hit Fifi!"


"I-Im sorry ma'am" I stuttered. "I-I fell!"

But she wouldn't hear any of it.

Of course.

Cars whized by us while I was being confronted by a screaming lady.

My friends weren't being helpful. Jay and Nya and Zane went in for ice cream already, leaving Kai and Cole on the sidewalk, waiting for me to be done.

"Hope you survive this, LLOYDI-KINS!! While I'm eating my Bubblegum, chocolate mint, and Carmel cashew sundae, ill be cheering for you!" Jay screamed before entering the ice cream shop and making the door ring.


I turned back to the lady and her- GULP- Fifi.

That little mutt.

A poodle, of all things, with those pompom looking things on he feet and tail and ears.

She growled and I scooted back a few feet.

""Good Fifi?" I heard my voice waver!
He lunged at me and I screamed like a little girl who figured out her stuffed unicorn was buried alive.

WAIT!! ALIVE?? Unicorns aren't alive especially if there stuffed!!

See what happens when I'm not focusing?!! I talk about things that don't make sense.

At least I don't kiss my pillow....

I watched the dog get closer.

Who cares if I'm the Green ninja?? I DON'T WANT TO BE EATEN!!

"Kai!!" I screamed, diving under a car to get away from the horrid BEASTY!

He just laughed and leaned on a garbage can.

It tipped and he fell inside, making orange peels fly onto the sidewalk.


That left Cole. Luckily Cole realize how dangerous my situation was.

I WAS BEING ATTACKED BY A 12 inch poodle!!

Okay, maybe it wasn't that desperate, but it was scary. I mean, the thing had teeth!!

Yellow snarling teeth.

Cole ran to help me and ended up crawling next to me under the car. "Hey Lloyd?" The fatty asked me, squishing me by the wheel, "If I help you will you by me a cake!?"

I looked at Kai hopefully but he was still upside down in a garbage can!!

"Umm," I started. Cole pushed me over and I screamed as the dog lunged at me. I can see how these things are scary!!!

Dragons, no!! Who could be scared of THOSE??

Poodles?? I shuddered. "Ugh"

"YES ILL BUY YOU A CAKE" I shouted at Cole.

The old lady was still there cheering her dog on. A crowd had come and started cheering to. "GO FIFI! YOU CAN DO IT!"

The weird thing was that the dog looked smug. Behind those yellow snarly teeth.

I shuddered and it snatched my golden half sword.

Don't laugh but I feel a connection with those!!

"NO" I hollered snatching it back. My ninja suit tore but I don't care! Now I can see why Kai loves his sword so much.

Cole started laughing at me. Speaking of Kai, where is he?

I looked over to where Kai was last. As we speak, he's spiking his hair back up. Or maybe trying to fix it. I can't really tell.

"Kai!" I sounded weak like the time in the volcano. I can't help it!! I'm just REALY scared!!

"Lloyd!" He comes flying over and lands next to the puppy- Ahem- BEAST that was trying to tear me apart.

Then he kicked the dog and it went flying to the moon.

Joking!! Not even the best could kick that far!! Thats me by the way! Obviously you knew that.

BWAHAHAH-a-a-*cough cough*


So with Cole still stuck under the car with me and Kai PETTING the dog and calling it CUTE, the old lady came over.

"Young man!" She exclaimed. "You have waaay better manners than them!" She sniffed her nose at us and walked away with the dog who know bounced away. Not before growling one more time at us though.

And that was after she shoved something in Kai's hand.

I stared at it in shock.


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