Kissing The Pillow

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Night time. Couldn't sleep.

Bored out of my mind.

Prank time.

On ALL the ninja. BOOOONUS!!


So I went through the bathroom drawers and found brushes and clips and hair gel and eyebrow gel and .....


I've got an idea.

So I went tiptoeing to our room. Everyone, of course, were sleeping, since it was in the middle of the night.

Since I can't sleep, they shouldn't sleep.

Fair is fair.

If there gonna be sleeping, there gonna be pranked.

Fair is fair.

I hope there sleeping.

So here I go, tiptoeing up to Jays bed. He's on the top of the bunk, above Cole, who is snoring like a pig.

I wonder if him and Sensei are related?
Cole just needs a beard.....
He already has the beard breath.

Anyway, so I climbed to the top of the bunk, my bare plastic feet clicking on the ladder.


Jay was sleeping peacefully and I just watched him.

Little quiet snores.

Actually, it was cute. But not better than THEE best.

I wonder what I look like when I sleep?

Has anyone ever seen themselves sleep?

I watched in delight. I should get a video. Put it on YouTube. Get a million hits.
'Boy Cuddles With Blue Blanket And Snores Cutely.'

I bet lots of girls would watch. There always cooing over Jay.

He HAS a girlfriend!!!


I was about to get my camera. Wait. JAY smashed it.

I was gonna punch him.

That was before he said Nya's name. Then he flipped over and started kissing his pillow.


Luckily, his hands were over the cover and I grabbed them. Carefully.

Wouldn't want to wake Sleeping Beauty.

This one really needs the Beauty. And kissing lessons.

I managed to get three nails done when Jay turned over again.

"Nya, I want......beach balls......jail isn't fun....... Build a tower."

What in the world was he dreaming about? Ill ask him later.

I continued painting.

Ten sparkly pink nails, completed with white little flowers.

Totally Jayish. They will match his swim suit.

One down,
Three to go.

I needed new pranks. And I needed them fast.

I figured Cole would be next.

He wouldn't wake for anything. I could jump up and down screaming his name and he wouldn't move.

That was a good idea.

I should pin him on the bed.

Heavy heavy heavy. What's something heavy??

I looked around and found the table.


Dragging it over, I quickly flipped it gently on him. It fit over him and the only thing that stuck out was his two feet and head.

It looked like it was on a ball. A big inflated ball.

I pressed down on the table, trying to squish it on Cole. After all, I don't want the legs to hit Jays bunk and wake him up.


Cole deflated. Like seriously.

Then he didn't breathe in. And I started panicking.

I'VE KILLED HIM. I didn't think it would hurt him. After all, he could lift anything so I didn't think a table would crush him.

What do I do????!!!

I was going to take off the table, whenCole breathed in.

"Shooooooooooooooop" (not sure what sound that sounds like when breathing in sorry lol)

I paused for like a minute, frozen. A minute when by and Cole breathed all the way out again.

He breathed every few minutes.
Weird breathing. Okaaaaaay.

I looked around the room and found a flower pot with a pretty little yellow flower inside.

Perfect touch.


It looked great! Cole with a table and flower on him and Jay sleeping with his pink sparkly nails.

Now for Kai and Zane.

This is gonna be good.


Please comment and tell me pranks!! I don't really have any more ideas!!

Vote and comment and make my day. Trust me, I could use it in my life right now.


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