The hunt

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Waking up I immediately felt a ache throughout my body.
Knowing I didn't do much yesterday, it's tension aches my mother called them when there's a lot of emotions bottled up it causes your muscles to tighten.

I'm exhausted I don't even know if I have the mental range to prepare for this day.
I grabbed a quick outfit and made my way to the bathroom to take a shower.
That shower did release some of the pain but my brain still feels worn out.
Im not sure what today is bringing apparently according to Lisa my duties may be different. I sighed at that thought.

I trudged my way to Lisa's room I refuse to think about the Alphas situation right now.
I knocked twice causing the door to fling open revealing my red headed best friend.
"Morning scar " she stated stepping aside for me to step in her room.
Taking a seat on her bed I huffed."Some morning, I had a weird night and a stressful sleep."

She chuckled just because you were with me doesn't mean it was weird as for you sle-" " no, no I wasn't talking about you Lisa" I said cutting her off already knowing where she was gonna go with it." Well, I couldn't really sleep when we got back and I was extremely thirsty so I went to the kitchen for a drink I picked up a lit snack for the hell of it honestly, all to be startled by Alpha Damien" she gasped but her eyes kinda twinkled with excitement. Oh Lisa and her love for drama. I shot her a look to which she just waved her hand for me to finish.
" Anywhooo I ended up dropping what I took out the fridge, mind you the lights are off so I go to apologize which he stopped telling me him and his brother wanted a word with me and implied I was high, or maybe I implied that but I don't do that so I don't know. He-" "Scarrrr" Lisa sang " oh yeah um so after that I got my drink fast forward I went to their quarters as he asked all for them to be Wolfed out on a lady whose old I think ,with one of the new wolf's confused trying to help."

" and tell me why she vanished ", her eyes widen " not just fast werewolf moving no one minute she was there the next ...poof!" I explained almost second guessing if I even should have went through with telling her I could just be going crazy.

"Are you sure Scar " she asked me a tad a skepticism leaking " of course I wouldn't make this up "! I explained throwing my hand in the air letting it fall loudly in my lap.
" No no I'm sorry Scar I didn't mean it like that I just never heard of someone....vanishing before" she said her voice sounding like she talking to injured child.
" I know ! I'm freaking out " !" Okay okay um let's just know wait maybe we may come back or something or she may never come back again, did she like threaten you "? She asked slightly pacing Infront of me .
" no  nothing like that , she actually feel familiar in a way but I know Ive never seen her and she had the Alphas pissed but almost as if they couldn't do anything but she thanked me for saving her and I didn't really do anything at all" I explained running my hands through my hair in thought
"Hmmm I don't know babes you may have to ask the Alphas"
I looked up defeated " nope I'll just mind my business for now"

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