Short ceilings

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So I got the rooms done in time but the attic was horrible they didn't give me a bed to lie on just a mat they said the bed in my room can be used for someone more important, and this might have well been the basement because there bars that separate from the entrance but you can still lock things away in there. I was shocked to say the least I felt almost rejected but I brushed the feeling away. About two days ago some one locked me in the cell while I was sleeping and didn't let me out until today meaning I had missed two days of food and I had to hold in my bowels.

I was preparing the food for the pack when Alpha Damien walked in, I tensed up hoping I don't get punished for anything. Recently they have been angry with me and the pack  becoming more touchy and erratic. I bowed my head "A-Alpha" he grunted and shot a glare at me make me wince." Scarlett one of my pack warriors has been telling you were disrespecting them, is that true"? he asked his glare hardening."of course not I would never disrespect anyone" I said quietly casting my eyes toward the floor. " so what your telling me is that this warrior is a liar" he growled raising his eyebrow as to say I better not say yes. I bowed my head and mumbled a no,"that's what I thought now follow me to my office".

I started panicking the last time I was in their office I was almost put in the basement .

When I got to his office both Alphas was there meaning it was serious.

I walked in and stood by their desk." Sit omega we would like to discuss some things with you", Alpha Dominic said. I took a seat hesitantly I was cautious around everyone.  "We have been getting way to many complaints about you" he said with a growl. "And quite frankly we don't want to deal with that anymore,we have enough things going on then to hear that an omega isn't listening and not acting like an omega". I looked up shocked where are they getting these complaints from I have been locked up for two days how can I do anything to anybody I thought.
"so we decided to just kick you out the pack and whether that leads you to become a Rogue is solely on you I mean you don't have a Wolfe, correct "? Alpha Dominic questioned smugly. "B-but i-ive been in the cell for the past two days I haven't bothered anyone I promise I wouldn't do that ....please don't kick me out I promise i-if you let me stay i-ill do whatever you want ... it doesn't matter just please don't kick me out . the other packs will kill me if they found out Im an omega who may be on the verge of going rouge" I pleaded tears clouding my vision making it almost impossible to see their faces."sorry omega" Alpha Damien stated "but we have other people joining the pack and I just don't have anymore room for you to stay so tonight we are accepting the newcomers as pack members where we will also announce that you are leaving". "But-" " enough pack up your clothes pack meeting in an hour" they said clearly dismissing me. I nodded weakly wiping my tear roughly from my face. I stood up and walking out their office.

I packed up all my things in 10 mins because I only have two outfits one omega outfit/maids outfits and a shirt and a pair of jeans. When I was done I sat on the floor and cried for about a half an hour not understanding how my life turned out from me being a normal pack member to a omega.
I cried about my mom leaving me with these terrible people she told me they were good people that if anything happened to her that they'll understand and help me through everything, What an exaggeration that was.


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