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It's 11 pm and I can't sleep today was pretty routine for me. I cooked dinner tonight out of boredom only half of the pack ate. The Alphas didn't join us and I'm starting to believe they're messing with me.

Another hour passed with me working the courage to just look for the Alphas myself and get my answers, with that I was out my room before I could talk my self out of it.

I made my way first to their office knowing this is usually where I find them. When I approached the hardwood doors I knocked twice. Trying to not think of all the things I want to say and how I'm even going to start my interrogation... listen to me interrogation who did I become in just 3 Days?
I'm not sure if anyone answered but the door was opened revealing Beta Hunter I usually only see the beat very briefly so I was only semi shocked by his appearance. Quickly keeping my head down " g'd evening Beta Hunter are the Alphas here ?" "They are busy a-" " Something you needed Omega"
Alpha Dominic voice bouncing off the walls toward me.
Feeling Beta Hunter take a shift to the right opening up my view of the room to which I quickly picked my head up and back down again. "Y-yes Alpha I was just - maybe another time- " I all but rushed out
"You will come and make it known why you have interrupted our meeting and you will do it now "

Whatever fire that brought me here in the first place completely diminished leaving me feeling almost loopy in a state of derealization.
I stepped in almost without a thought years of omega training of course being my main nature but why now do I feel it was a second one.
Hesitating to look up not really sure what kind of reaction I'm going to receive and if I can even ask them what I originally came in to ask about.
I noticed both Alphas here along with Beta Hunter and an unfamiliar man One who seems to ignore my presence which I'm used to but it set my curiosity a blaze in a weird way.
Keeping my eyes low but making sure I make brief eye contact with Alpha Damien. " I was just confused about some things a-and I didn't know you guys were in a meeting I deeply apologize Alpha's" I hear a low scoff From the unfamiliar man.
"Something off here mate , naw either this little lady here is blind or retarded but has an Omega never been tought to address hers superiors"
"I-I "
"Now I believe we are past excuses girl kiss my shoe so we can move along"
Completely Taken aback I looked towards my Alphas they surely wouldn't force me to do such a thing. I mean I know I just found something's out and there's still A lot more I don't know, There has to be a sliver of mate protection in there.
There's darker than night jaws clenched I'm not sure if they're mad with me or him.
I guess I took too long for this I'm supposing Alpha he shot up out of the chair he was sitting in before I could even react he had his hand around the back of my neck.
"I ve never seen such a diso- "
Before he could finish his sentence we were both at opposite ends of the room it happened so quickly I'm not even sure who did what.
But now my neck and back hurt.
" Now we allowed you here to talk and you've been acting besides yourself the moment you walked though my territory " Alpha Damien roared in his face while Mystery man was being held by Alpha Dominic and Beta Hunter.
"You're lack of respect for my pack shows your lack of respect for me now if you want to return back to your pack the same way you left I advise you to remember your place here "
I've got to admit the man looked completely unfazed his gaze hasn't even left my direction, what is actually his deal?
" Now Alphas y'all know good and well I don't follow that and y'all know good and well who I am and ... tsk tsk tsk who that little lady there is ... hm bet your Beta there clueless huh ? And the girl , just as lost " he stated smugly like he had all the time in the world for his explanation.
Before anyone can read the was standing behind Alpha Damien and out of is physical prison to tower over me .
Now he wasn't close enough to touch me or me him but that didn't stop me from trying to sink into the wall behind me. Who the Fuck is this Guy why is it every time I come in here there's Weirdos who seem to "know" me and I don't know a thing about them.
"The image appears frail but it contains heavy duty information" he stated before he was out the door being closely followed by Beta Hunter and no doubt a few of the warriors outside.

Looking towards the Alphas who seemed to be glaring at me just for everything to go black.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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