Indigo-creating change

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'you are very strong stronger than I could have ever prepared you for,'
My mother said to me her eyes peering deeply into my 10 year old ones.
She looked as if she was pleading for me to believe her but of course I did she's my mom she wouldn't lie to me. 'tell me that know your strong Letti and that you won't let anyone tell you different'
Usually I would giggle at the seriousness but something told me that would be a very very bad idea. 'I am very strong' I exclaimed letting a smile burst through.
Her frown deepened in desperation giving my shoulder two firm squeezes, reminding me she was even holding me.
'no, you're very strong and no one can tell you different' she said her voice raising slightly even though she spoke each word with conviction.
' okay mama I am very strong and no one can tell me different' she sighed in relief as if that sentence has now sealed my fate. I was just happy to see that worry look on her face go away. ' Can I go watch a movie now'?
She smiled quickly wiping her forehead 'i did promise that huh , well of course go turn the TV on I'll be there In a second'

I remember this day like it was yesterday it used to be a sweet memory now it's almost a nightmare. It's funny how I couldn't take that moment serious but unfortunately she was wrong oh how wrong she could be.
It's been almost 4 years since I last seen my mother or father. memories wonderful thing they are but some tend to stay and plague the mind like a virus.
Anyways I'm currently 17 years old as if that mattered any, by 13 I was supposed to come into my wolfe and claim a ranking in my pact and guess the luck she didn't turn up. By default I've been deemed an omega almost like an independent contractor who may end up at a different site for periods of time doing side work.
So for me I make sure meeting, events,rituals and parties are cleaned and up to par before and after. I sometimes arrange some of them, well meetings usually the little ones. A few times I had to go incognito to another pack to see if they allow omegas and rouges in their pack in order to find out why it seems many were crossing and attempting to cross all to go to one pack.

It was the most stressful thing I had to do and honestly why was it any of the Alphas business anyway.I sometime shudder from the memory of when I was there and one of the warriors tried to have his way with me. I sometimes scrub extra harder at my skin since his words.
'oh what do we have here a wolfe with no wolfe, hmm a few oh y'all do seem to wander around here don't yall' he questioned taking small calculated steps toward me, causing me to instinctually back up I dont know how he knew I was in the library but now it doesn't even matter. 'yall all just hope a raven claims you so at least your something to a pack' he stated matter factly I shot a glance at his eyes to see them crazed with no actual focus the iris of his eye almost non-existent' I quickly averted my gaze 'N-no I um , They uh ' before I could finish what I had to say the beta of his pack came bursting in he walked in blindly almost not seeing us until the last minute.
He stopped dead in his tracks " oh" he stated shooting a glance at the warrior who was a mere 4 inch's away and me. "Warrior black I hope we aren't overextending our welcome to the new Wolfe's" he questioned crossing his arms. I didnt notice I was staring at him until he looked directly into my eyes almost rooting my spirit to bend to his next command, but the nervousness of the situation had me glancing back at the warrior who was a literal minute away from devouring me. He had his eyes shut his head almost hanging before cleared his throat and glided a foot away from me opening his eyes which now seems normal. "Of course not beta white I was just seeing what book she was reading" he said keeping his eyes to his beta's knee. Beta white cleared his throat 'omega dinners almost done would you speak with the other new omegas to see your work for when you are done"
Glad I could take my dismissal I nodded my head profusely keeping my eyes at my feet omegas aren't allowed to look at our superiors unless asked.
'yes Beta white, right away' keeping my head down i bid him a good bye 'warrior black' I acknowledge before scurring out not waiting for any replies.
I couldn't get out of there fast enough.

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