File 1: The Twin Trees

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In Teyvet there exists not one but two great massive trees. However, one has become forgotten by Teyvet's sages and scholars. Some claim it is nothing more then a children's fairytale, others think its a load of hog wash and only one tree exists. While some others claim they are the same tree. The ancient records lost from Teyvet's ancient times have all but been destroyed or lost during the Archon War. But there are a few extremely rare pieces of scrolls and old murals that state otherwise.

Long ago when Phanes and his four children, the Four Shining Shades arrived in Teyvet. A massive war was raged against the beings of the Light Realm and the Progenitor Gods of the three royal houses known as House Aion, House Nyx, and House Gaia respectively. The primordial deities rosed out as the victors and Phanes began his great work, creating humanity and even taking in many of the docile/friendlier races native to Teyvet. Land, ocean, and even vast mountains were all shaped and created.

One of Phane's children, Istaroth/Kairos first task was to plant two trees to sustain and be the lifestream of the planet. The first tree she planted was the Tree of Life, Yggdrasil where all irmunsul trees come from. It is the tree directly linked to Phanes and the Shades. All souls and memories over countless worlds eventually reach Mother Yggdrasil before they can move on to the afterlife. Many myths and rumors surround this tree but only Istaroth's bough keeper, Dainsleif knows where it is and what it looks like. It is this tree that bares the forbidden fruit used to make the Golden Elixir of Life known as Ambrosia. For many it varies but majority seem to agree the fruit seems to resemble a shimmering rainbow colored peach or apple.

The Fruit of Yggdrasil has healing medicinal properties that are extremely potent to deities. So much so that Guizhong had tried to find Yggdrasil in order to create medicine from its fruit in the hopes of healing the Yaksha tribe of their negative karma. However she failed and could only make a cheap replica in the form of peach pills. But to a human that eats of its fruit they loose their humanity and mortality, becoming familiars and servants to Istaroth and House Aion. These people tend to gain glowing scars that look like the veins of the leyline trees before developing a severe fever. They become dependent on the leylines that the Dendro Archon protects and Istaroth created. Usually they loose all sense of self but Dainslief is a special case. However the Khaenri'ah Catalysm has left Yggdrasil's Bough Keeper in a state of erosion and he is slowly loosing himself to the Curse of Khaenri'ah.

The Goddess of Fate & Order, Crown Princess Lumen Aion is now deeply connected to Yggdrasil who's roots cradle countless other worlds along with the world of Teyvet. Other known deities connected to the Tree of Life are Alatus(Xiaolumi), Ajax(Chilumi) Vesperus(Xiaolumi), Deshret, Solis, Istaroth, and Phanes. All these deities do not suffer erosion and have a high resistance to Teyvet's laws.

The Tree of Knowledge, Irminsul is the second tree but it is younger then Yggdrasil. Irminsul was planted and created from Yggdrasil's seeds from its fruit. It connects directly to the mother tree as a result and all the leyline trees. It is protected and guarded by the Dendro Archon, like a squirrel running along the great mother tree's trunk. The Tree of Knowledge is like a recorder and record player, keeping a massive library of everything in Teyvet. All the archons and minor deities are connected to this tree. However these beings are not immune to erosion and teyvet's laws, including the forbidden knowledge that once poisoned the Tree of Knowledge not once but multiple times.

By some unknown sadistic twist the God of Destiny & Chaos, Prince Aether Aion is now linked to Irmunsul instead of Yggdrasil. Nobody is sure when, why, or how this had happened and if in fact this caused his slow decent into madness. Slowly succumbing to his own dark element of Umbra he controls and ending up in Abyss Order. Other known deities linked to Irminsul are 7 Archons, Guizhong, Goddess of Flowers, Decarabian, and the vishaps to name a few.

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