Deity Familiar/Pet Files 3: Garm The Loyal

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-Profile Info-

Name: Garm

True Name: Kerberos

Gender: Male

Race: Frostbite Rifthound(current), Khaenrian Bear Dog(formerly)

Status: Alive/Active

Contracted: House Aion, House Xenia(Post War)

Contractor: Vesperus/Bakari(current)

Age: Very Ancient(500+)

Year of Birth/Creation: Unknown, presumed be 500 years ago

Element(s): Cryo, Umbro/Shadow/Ousia

Key Traits: Is not like other rifthounds it seems to have retained intelligence from its time as a simple Khaenrian hunting dog for the Serpent Knights. It has a strange crest on its collar that resembles deer around a tree. The fur is a whitish blue color and his blue glowing eyes actually have red snake-like pupils.

Duties: Assist in everything Vesperus needs or requires and provide him protection. Protect and guard all souls his master gathers and heard more defiant souls to his master. 

Intelligence: Very high. Shown to have training of a first class military dog and hunting dog. Has been known to obey his master's parents without question or reason. Will not attack unless ordered to do so or feels the "pack" is threatened.

Known Abilities: Corrosion, Soul Eater, Duplication phantoms, Physical immunity, freezing bite and claws, reduce victims to frozen statues with a single bite.


One look at the sight of a rifthound from the Beastly Rifts would be enough for anybody to strike first and ask questions later. But if you find yourself wandering in the night or in the snow and spot the ominous sight of glowing blue eyes and black and white fur, retrain your weapons!! Instead do not do anything to hinder this beast in whatever task it has set its sight on. Why? it is the most trusted lap dog of the Moon God himself out shepherding and herding together lost souls. Hunting and searching for any that may threaten or impede his master's work. 

Like a dog with a flock of sheep this rifthound patrols and guards the edges of the sacred garden where the well of souls is rumored to be found. However this beast is not always there as he loyally and faithfully follows his master wherever he may go. Some Snezhnayans claim to see the beast linger near the Tsarista's palace certian times of the year. This is usually a signal the Wolf of Snezhnaya has returned, faithfully by the side of seasonal goddess. Like clockwork Garm's arrival signals the arrival of his master but Snezhnaya and Inazuma fear it not.

Garm has become celebrated and held in just as high esteem as the moon god's small stellaluna hare companion. His loyalty never to be questioned nor swayed, a model and perfect guard dog and hound of the hunt and war. And nobody in Teyvet are none the wiser for it. Garm is a beast of terror and fear to many a foe and those that do not know his master's gentle nature, so like his master he too has become a symbol most misunderstood and feared while others may celebrate him and his master. There is a rumor this rifthound was once the hunting dog of the Twilight Sword, but no solid evidence exists. Whatever the case, to Vesperus he is his best friend and one he shall never part with.

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