Deity Familiar/Pet Files 2: Vitani The Vicious

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-Profile Info-

Name: Vitani

True Name: Ifrītah

Gender: Female

Race: Fire Spirit

Status: Alive/Active

Contracted: House Aion, House Xenia(Post War)

Contractor: Solis/Nalini(current)

Age: Very young(Born After the Events of Fontaine)

Year of Birth/Creation: Year of the Dendro Dragon

Element(s): Pyro, Umbro/Shadow/Ousia

Key Traits: Wears what looks like a gold Natlan style collar with a Sunfire Opal pendant. Can manifest what looks like large black dragon-like wings.

Duties: Assist in everything Solis needs or requires and provide her protection.

Intelligence: Very high.

Known Abilities: Fire of Tartarus, Soul Fire, Smoke Phantoms, Physical immunity, smoking mirrors(portals)

Parents: Solis and Ororon


This massive black feline-like creature is as big as the Concentrated Fanged Beasts said to have feasted on the flesh of gods, monsters, and dragons alike

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This massive black feline-like creature is as big as the Concentrated Fanged Beasts said to have feasted on the flesh of gods, monsters, and dragons alike. With claws and fangs like hot steel and fur as black as the ash of the Mare Jivari with it's radiant golden spots and smoldering is a sight to behold. Many mysteries surround the most beloved and trusted of the Goddess of the Sun's familars. This beast has been hailed as her harbinger of destruction and war, primal strength at its finest. 

But there is one thing all accounts agree upon she is her closest companion and most obedient of her retainers. Known as "Vitani the Vicious" by the foolish that dare test this beast's might it is said to have taken up territory inside the Mare Jivari and the ruins of Old Natlan. Some of the tribes have come to hail the fiery beast with great awe and reverence as not only the young Lord of Destruction's strength and might but also her capacity to love and protect. Called a herald of not only death and war but also one of great protection. The Natlanians know to leave it in peace and not invoke it's wrath for to anger her was considered same as angering her divine creator mother.

How did Vitani come to be? Many scholars are not sure and the shamans their mouths are tightly kept shut. However there are some loose lips that let the story brew and grow. Many claim the feline was born in a great conflict created out of the Goddess Solis's own shed blood that combined with that of the tears of her twin brother, Vesperus. The goddess rumored some claim to have been badly injured in her struggle against a much stronger and more experienced foe. from her golden blood a creature formed to resemble one of the sacred beasts of the Natlanese people: a massive black panther. It raced without hesitance to defend it's mother and master, Solis and her family even going so far to shield Allmother from the adversary in all her splendor. The creature was granted the name of Vitani, meaning "Battle" in the Natlan tribal tongues.  Normal means of attack does not harm this creature's steal hard hide and fur.

Vitani has shown to be a very protective and attached to Solis and will only listen to her, though has shown to listen to Vesperus or Allmother occasionally. She has been known to shrink down to the size of a cub or house cat so that she may perch on her master's shoulders. Like a child she's always trying earn praise and very spoiled by her creator mother. Though she cannot speak like a human or the elemental races can she can understand perfectly fine what humans and other races are saying. Some have made the mistake to write off Vitani as a simple pet only to soon earn a frightful and often cruel prank or surprise. Vitani has been rumored to never leave nor wander away from her master at night. But there are those that claim Vitani is the goddess's eyes in places her burning gaze does not reach and has been seen working with Mochi the familiar of the Moon God.

What frightening creature of fire Vitani is, she reminds me of that child I helped and trained many years ago after I took him in. I wonder...what do you think of this world your divine mother brought you into,  little Ifrītah, the spirit of fire? For you are but a child being doted on by your mother the sun born from her very golden ichor.

~Recorded by an unknown warrior from the Abyss

Recent discovery from finally getting an elder of the Mictlan Tribe to speak has been fruitful. The Herald of the Sun they call the fascinating creature of the Sun Goddess Solis. Meanwhile us of the Relics Society found records of this fire spirit's origins dating back over fifty years ago when Abyss War reached a climax. They claim Vitani was born from Sun Goddess's own golden blood mixed with the blood of the bat lycan of the Mictlan Tribe named Ororon. To think I'd hear name of the divine Lord of the Night that answers to the Prince of the Night, this is most astounding!!

~Unknown Natlan Relic Society Scholar

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