A Story of Suicide

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“Open your eyes” I hear the whisper in my hair as unconsciousness tries to drag me under. My body is trying to haul me above the water which I am drowning in. The warmth which lies below tries to pull me and I try to fight the urge which is so comforting.

“Come on” There is more urgency in the voice as I feel myself falling further. I feel a touch on my body as hands grab hold of me and place me on a ground. My eyes are longing to open but the light is pulling me so far below.

“Don’t do this to me” Hands push at my ribcage and try to hit life into me. Water runs through my body and I feel like my body is being overwhelmed by the various sensations. I want so badly to give into the feeling which is dragging me down.

“You’re not going to do this, you’re not!” I feel hands wrap themselves around me and hair touches my forehead. Somehow breath finds its way into my lungs and I push my eyes open. His eyes stare into mine and a tear finds its way down his face. He wipes his hand along my face and smiles at me. I take my hand and brush hair from his face, only to pull away and find blood covering him. My blood.

“Is this the end?” I smile as he watches me carefully. He shakes his head and takes my wrist in his hand; blood continues to pour from it.

“No, it’s not” My head feels fuzzy and I want to give into the warmth that overwhelms me. His smile suddenly turns into panic and pulls me out of the water as I begin to sink back into the bloody bath.

“Help!” He shouts above my quite sobs. The warmth feels so good and I know it’s time.

“I love you” I’m pulled below by the warmth and submerged in darkness. 

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