Tips to write good chapters :)

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So, writing isn't easy. If it was we would have too many authors in the world...authors would dominate the world.

I  though have times when I get stuck writing my next chapters or thinking about what could happen. Thanks to MrsMadSwag she gave me some great advice. LET IT FLOW.

1. Don't force your brain too write.

2. If you cannot think of anything leave the computer/notebook...SERIOUSLY WALK AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER. I'M WATCHING YOU! Get up...make youself a brew (that means tea if you don't know what the hell I am saying)

3. Read books to get inspiration. I will read books and see amazing words..try to incorporate them into you work.

4. Don't think about what you are writing...Just let conversations between characters become random. Of course don't let them start talking about pineapples...that would seem weird. Although I do love pineapples...FOCUS

5. Give yourself breaks. Take time to do what you want, to let your mind rest.

Writing takes a lot of will power, you have to be commited.

If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write things worth reading or do things worth writing .

Benjamin Franklin

Any questions or comments leave below please :)

Butterfly 224 <3

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