This oneshot may contain inappropriate language, if a warning needs to be added please let me know.
Side Note — Based off Dream's deleted TikTok (11/11/22)
Warning(s) — None
Content Creators — Dream, Sapnap and Georgenotfound
Dream POV
"Clay I'm hungry." Nick whines, which fair enough, I'm hungry too."Come on then." I respond, getting up from the couch where we were previously watching a movie and going to the kitchen.
He follows after me, taking a seat on one of the stools on the opposite side of the bench.
"When do you think George will be back?" I ask while opening up the fridge, checking for something we could make.
"Probably not until tomorrow, those 'last to take your hand off' challenges take forever usually." He sighs.
A few hours ago, Karl and Nolan had come over to pick George up for a Mr Beast video. I think they're competing for a private jet.
"Welp, it's back to being you and me again." I laugh and he nods.
"Do you think George would be mad if we ate his food?" I ask after a few minutes of silence.
"George's food, he has a container of food with his name on it. I can't be bothered to cook, and it only needs to be warmed up." I explain and he looks as if he's weighing the options.
"I mean, he probably won't notice." He shrugs and I nod.
"Well, George's food it is then." I say, grabbing the container out of the fridge, taking the lid off and putting it into the microwave for 2 minutes.
"When do you have the lore stream with Tommy this afternoon?" He asks and I pull my phone out, checking Tommy's message for the times.
"Uhh, 8pm GST so," I pause, working it out in my head, "3pm." I finish, placing my phone onto the counter.
"How the hell did you work that out without searching it?" He asks in slight shock of my awesome skills.
"When you constantly have to organise things using GST and such, you start knowing the times off the top of your head." I shrug with a slight laugh.
He goes to respond but gets stopped by the ding of the microwave.
"Can you get us two spoons? we can just eat out of the container." I ask, grabbing it out of the microwave, hissing when it burns me slightly.
"Yeah, sure." He responds, coming around and opening one of the drawers.
I place the container down and we both take a seat on the stools, talking about whatever comes to our minds first.
George POVI yawn while I keep up light conversation with Karl and Nolan who are taking me back home. The Mr Beast challenge ended around an hour ago, but we all chose to stay back and hang out for a bit.
As soon as I get dropped off, I am going to do two things; I'm going to eat and then go straight to sleep. I am never doing a challenge that lasts for more than 10 hours.
"Aww is Gogy tired." Karl teases as I wipe the sleep from my eyes.
I roll my eyes, "Very, I was touching a jet for what? Like- fifteen hours and then didn't even win!" I complain.
"You were close!"
"I suppose."
"If it makes you happier, I practically never win any of the Mr beast challenges." Nolan, who's driving, chimes in.

Irl DreamSMP oneshots
FanficOneshots based on mainly most of those who are in the DreamSMP and sometimes others. As the title says the oneshots are based on the cc's not the minecraft characters.