The suit that will never even graze his hand again (Crimeboys)

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This oneshot may contain inappropriate language and/or sensitive scenes
Side note — This is set during the Tom Simons inflatable waterpark vlog,
Request by: @itz_galaxynova
Warnings — anxiety/paranoia (?)
Content Creators — Wilbur Soot, Tommyinnit and Georgenotfound
Wilbur can usually tell when a lie is being told to him; especially when it's from Tommy. So how come he found himself outside a waterpark with a fine suit?

Looking back on it now, there were so many tells in Tommy's voice that Wilbur should've called him out for; the stifled giggles, the constant repeat of the word 'restaurant', and the mischievous hint in his voice. But he hadn't, so he had to face the consequences.

Tommy had been the first to greet him when he got out of the car, followed by George. Their laugher as their eyes laid upon his suit was all the confirmation he needed that he'd been fooled (besides the inflatable obstacles floating on the lake of water behind them, and the lack of restaurant).

Wilbur had noted what George and Tommy were wearing: T-shirt and trousers. He hoped that there was a change of clothes, because he highly doubted that they were going to swim with their regular clothes. He was quickly revoked of the hope as Tommy (delightedly) told him that they only hired two wetsuits, and he gathered that one wasn't for him.

As they walked into reception, Wilbur felt eyes watching his every move; not in a physically sense, but a mental one. With each step he took, the hair on the back of his neck raised and his heart raced as if he were five again, alone in the darkness of his bedroom, hearing a thump from outside the door.

Wilbur glanced around the room; no eyes even looked his way but the feeling of being watched was already instilled in his body, and he doubted that it would go away. He tried to distract himself in conversation with Tommy and George, the feeling of relief rushed through his body as they told him it was a private session.

"We've got exactly an hour alone with the inflatables, after that it's open for the public," Tommy explained, walking into the change room next to the one George had gone into.

Wilbur sat on a wooden bench that circled around the whole room (spare where the change rooms were located), he got the fun duty of watching the others bags while they changed into the swimsuits.

"So enough time to film the vlog then?" George asked, followed by a grunt. "Why do these swimsuits have to be so tight? It's impossible to get on."

Wilbur snorted before pausing, vlog?

"Hang on, what vlog? Are we filming this?" Wilbur's eyebrows furrowed, not too keen on the idea. Going to a waterpark in a formal suit is one thing but going to a waterpark in a formal suit and having it on film for the world to see, is another.

"Of course we are," Tommy responded, and Wilbur could just sense the smirk. That little shit, and though Wilbur wished he could think that with at least the slightest amount of hatred, he couldn't.

Wilbur let out a groan, "So I'm going to be humiliated on YouTube?"

"Sounds like it," George replied, walking out of the changing room and taking a seat next to Wilbur. "I wouldn't worry though; I think I'd prefer wearing that suit than this stupid wetsuit. It's so tight, I think I might suffocate," George made a point to try and pull the collar of it out, which expectantly ended in failure.

"George is just being a baby, it's not that tight," Tommy walked out his stall, and though he claimed it wasn't tight, the fabric clung to his skin like glue.

Wilbur raised an eyebrow, "You sure? You look awfully... enclosed?"

Tommy scoffed, "Well I think I look rather dashing," he said, hands on hips as he gave his best hero pose.

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