Skating(Dib x Male!Reader)☁️

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You sat at the skatepark with your boyfriend, doing some tricks.
"Dib? Come try!" You whined.
"Noo, I'm gonna suck." He retorted.
You gave him those eyes and he rolled his and walked over.
"Here.." you held him and got him setup, then walked with him to make sure he didn't hurt himself. He started falling and you caught him before he hit the ground.
"Your an idiot" you chuckled.
He just whined before collapsing, making both of you fall to the ground. He laughed and leaned towards you. You happily kissed him back, your tounges intertwining. "I love you."
"I love you too, y/n."

(Sorry this is so short)
(113 Words)

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