Love At First Sight(Zim x Reader)☁️

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F/f = Favroite Food

Beep, beep, beep, BEEP, BEE-
"UGH" You groaned, clicking your alarm clock. You sat up in bed before getting up, well more like falling out of bed. You weren't really a morning person. 'Time to get ready for another stupid day of school.' You thought.

~Time Skip~

You sat in your desk, headphones in and doodling on your page.
"We have a new student today, speak now. This will be your only chance." Miss Bitters said.
"Hello.. friends. I am Zim, a perfectly normal human worm baby. You have absolutely nothingg to worry about." He went and took the only empty seat, which happened to be right beside you.

~Time Skip~

You always tried to at least talk to a new kid, and Zim seemed.. strange to say the least. But you wanted to try to be nice. After getting your from your locker you sat beside him. "Hello."
He looked shocked to see you, "Oh, um, I EAT FOOD, JUST LIKE YOU!" He said, looking nervous.
You just laughed. "Zim, right? I'm y/n." You held out your hand.
"Eh, w-what are you doing!?" He looked nervous.
This whole interaction was strange, but this was even weirder. "Its a handshake, when you meet someone you do this." You grabbed his hand and slowly shook up and down. He looked weirded out, but accepted it. "Do you care if I sit here for lunch?"
"Zim does not care" he replied, looking nervously at the food. You took out (f/f) and before you took a bite you heard him talk.
"You can bring your own food?"
You looked back at him. "Yea? The cafeteria food is shit." You took a bite.
"M-may I.. uhm. Try.. some...?" He acted like asking for food was like admitting defeat. You just smiled at him and handed it all over. He hesitantly took and bite and was shocked how much he liked it. He continued eating. You were staring at the strange boy, you could kinda see now why Dib was calling him an alien in class. He has three fingers, no ears, no nose, strange teeth, green skin. But honestly, seeing him this close up you found him somewhat attractive.. 'What am I thinking!? I just met the guy!' You blushed.
"Y/n?" His voice cut you from your thoughts. "Why is your skin turning red?"
"Oh, I um. I'm cold! Yeah." You blushed even more.
"Oh.. so, yes um humans change colour when cold. Zim knew this." You chuckled more, yes he was strange but honestly you thought he was pretty funny.

~Another Time Skip~

FINALLY, the bell rung. You went to your locker and saw it was raining out so you opened up your umbrella. You walked outside to see Dib try and shove Zim into the rain. You pushed him away before he could touch Zim. "What are you doing, asshole!?" You yelled.
"Y/n! He's an alien! And I found one of his weaknesses, water!" He smiled.
You rolled you eyes, pushing Dib and making him loose balance and fall over. "Come on Zim" you put your umbrella over the both of you.
"W-what is this?" He asked.
"Its called an umbrella, it protects you from water."

~Time Skip(Sorry for so many)~

You guys had been friends for a few weeks now, and you had found out he was a alien. You weren't that surprised, and you didn't really mind. You went over to his house, it was Saturday and you asked you wanted to have a sleepover. You put your backpack of clothes and other stuff. You walked to his house and knocked on the door. It was awnsered by the small green 'dog'. You smiled and bent down, giving Gir a head pat. "Hey Gir! Is Zim here?"
"Mm, master in his lab!" He smiled.
"Thanks Gir!" You smiled and walked to his trashcan, giving you a ride to his lab. You hug-tackled him.
"GAH!" He shouted. "Oh, y/n. Hello." You blushed slightly and got up noticing you two were in a, 'awkward' position. "H-hey Zim. I was wondering if I could hang out with you tonight."
"Zim supposes." He said. "Let's go upstairs."

You sat on the couch with him watching some random dumb show. You were begining to have butterflies in your stomach. They were getting to the point that it was unbearable. "U-uhm... Zim..?" You were blushing madly now.
"Human? Are you cold?" He slightly tilted his head and held up a blanket. You were dying of how cute he was.
"No no.. it's not that. Uhm, Zim. Could I ask you something?"
"Of course y/n human."
You couldn't do it anymore. You pulled Zim towards you and pressed your lips to his. You immediately felt bad and went to pull away when you felt him kiss back. After a few moments, you pulled away. "Z-Zim.. im sorry." He looked at you confused. "Why?"
"I-i should have asked."
"I kissed back." He smiled at you, and you instantly felt reassured. "I like you, a lot Zim."
"Zim.. Zim thinks he feels the same way."

(867 Words)

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