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Taehyung's pov,

Our eyes met...

I smirked while looking at him. He averted his gaze.

"Jungkookie, you have already seen my Son, Taehyung, right?" Papa asked.

He nodded. I was surprised, he knew about me but still he agreed to this marriage?

"Let them talk personally" Papa said.

"Kook, take Taehyung with you in your room" Jimin Uncle said.

Then he led me towards his room. Entering the room, I pinned him to the wall.

"Why did you agree to this marriage humm?" I asked.

"Because my parents were happy when your parents came to our house with the proposal" He replied.

End of Taehyung's pov.


Jungkook's pov,

It had been a month since I was working at Jin uncle's cafe. He loved me so much and i also did the same. In a short time of period, Our bond became so strong. One day he called me. I went to his cabin.

"Kookiee, I want to talk to your parents" he said.

"Wae, wae? What did I do?" I panicked.

"Omg kookieee, you did nothing just I want to meet your parents" He said.

I nodded. "Okay but where?" I asked.

"Ummm, at your place" He said.

"But you won't be fit there, we live in a small house" I said while scratching my nap.

"I'll fit every where" He said and winked.

I got so much happy cause we were from middle class family and The Rich man like Jin uncle wanted to come to our house.

Next day was sunday so papa was also at home. It's 5 p.m, there was a knock on the door. I happily ran towards the door and opened it. There was standing Jin hyung with a tall handsome man. Jin hyung hugged me. "Welcome jinnie uncle". They smiled at me. I led them inside our house and they sat on the couch. " Omma, appa , Jin uncle has come" I said little louder.

Omma came. "Anneyonghaseyo sir" Omma greeted.

"Heyy, don't call me Sir, you can call me hyung" Jin uncle said. "He is my husband, Namjoon".

"Anneyonghaseyo Hyung" Omma greeted.

"Where is your omma, kookie?" Jin uncle asked.

"He is my omma" I replied while pointing my index finger towards omma.

"Awwwwwww, you call him ommmaaa???" Jin uncle looking studded.
I nodded confusedly. "You guys are so cute" He cooed at us. I blushed.

Then appa came. "Sir, you?" Appa surprisingly asked.

"Yoongi?" Namjoon uncle asked.

"You guys know each other?" Jin uncle asked.

"He works in my company" Namjoon uncle said.

"Ohh that's so nice, so i came here with a proposal" Jin uncle said.

We three got confused and looked at him.

"I want kookie as my son-in-law" Jin uncle casually said.

"What?" I got up.

"Kook" Omma glared.

I sat down immediately. "Abb.." cut off by Jin uncle.

"Hey it's okay, don't take stress. We just came here for giving this proposal. I totally agree if you don't want to marry, but I want to say that " Jin uncle took a deep breath "I really like you kookie, you are so sweet. After my elder son died, bear I mean Taehyung lost his everything, he was broken, after a long time he got a girlfriend but she was also cheated on him. He changed himself so much, he doesn't smile at us anymore, he lives alone. I am so worried. Then I met you, I know you are the one for my son, please baby save my son" He started to cry.

Namjoon uncle held him. "Heyy don't force yourself young man, actually in these years he always said that No one is perfect for Bear, but after meeting you he changes, he always talks about you and said that only you can bring back our Tae" Namjoon uncle expressed.

"But sir, we don't fit in your status" Appa said.

"You know me well Yoongi, Jin wants him as our son-in-law so he will be if your son agrees" Namjoon uncle said "and we want son-in-law not a status" he added.

After some talks they left and gave us a photo of their son. They were looking at the photo.

"He is so handsome kookie" Omma said.

"I am really happy that they want my son as their son-in-law. They are so nice people" Appa said. "Kookie are you ready to get married?" He added.

"Areee, let him see the photo first" Omma said.

Then he gave me the picture.


"I saw him somewhere" I thought. I remembered the incident and got angry but then I remembered the words Jin uncle said a while ago. I didn't know why but I felt sorry for him. And I just couldn't say no, so I agreed to this marriage.

End of Jungkook's pov.

End of Flashback.

Present time,

Taehyung pov,

He was thinking something.

"What are you thinking?" I asked.

"Nothing" He replied.

"So you agreed?" I asked.

He nodded while starring at me. I felt a unknown feeling. But i shrugged off.

"Welcome to hell Bunnyshit" I gripped his hand tightly.

"Ah, it's hurting" he said.

I didn't know why but I loosen my grip. "I will take my revenge for that day, I will show you the hell" I said while gritting my teeth.

"And I am ready to go to the hell with you" he smiled and left the room.

"Is he crazy or what? He doesn't take my words seriously, but you will get to know soon Bunnyshit" I smirked and left the room.

After that we had our dinner together and our marriage fixed after 1 week.

End of Taehyung's pov.

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