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Third person pov,

"Papa, help me" Tae said as soon as Jin picked up the phone. "What you did this time?" Jin asked. "He confessed to me" Tae said. "Oh then WAIT WHAT???" Jin screamed. "Papa, don't shout" Tae whinned. "Okay okay...what did you said to him?" Jin asked. Tae kept silence. "Tae" Jin called. Tae hummed. "What happened bear?" Jin asked. Then Tae told him everything. "He is right, I am with him. You shouldn't take law in your hands bear" Jin said softly.

"But" Jin cut him off "no buts". After sometime of talking Tae hung up the call and called Jimin and got to know that Jungkook was with him. He left somewhere after sometimes.

Time skip ,

Jungkook was so sad that Tae didn't even care about him. He confessed his feelings but Tae didn't even react. He thought Tae didn't have any feelings for him.

"Koo let's go" Jimin said. "Where?" Kook asked. "Jin hyung invite us to have a dinner with them" Jimin said. "I don't wanna come" Kook replied. "But it will look bad if you don't go with us" Yoongi said. "But appa" Jungkook said "okay I am in" He added.

After sometimes, they went to Kim mansion. It was evening. Tae was not there and no one knew nothing about him. Jin called him he said he was okay and didn't need to worry about him. But still kook was worried.

"Kook, why did you suddenly go to your house?" Jin asked. Kook didn't want to make Jin worried. "I missed eomma" Jungkook said. Jin nodded. They had dinner together. Kook hardly ate.

At night Jin insisted Yoonmin to stay so that stayed. Kook was in his room, he was still upset. Tae was still not in home. Kook checked the phone, it was 11.45 p.m.

Kook decided to call Tae but he didn't pick up. Kook decided to take a bath. After 10 minutes he came out. As soon as he entered the room, he heard a beep sound. He picked up his phone and there was a massage.

Hubby 💜

Koo I am sorry, can you come to the rooftop?

After reading the massage, Kook hurriedly wore a t shirt and sweat pant  and ran to the rooftop. But the rooftop was completely dark. "Tae" Kook called. He felt a hand on his waist from behind, he startled a bit but he calmed down as soon as he  heard Tae's voice. "It's me" Tae said.

Tae laid Kook somewhere. Kook was just walking blindly. Tae stopped. "Tae" Kook again called. The light lit up. Kook was surprised as hell. The rooftop was decorated beautifully. His mouth hung open. He looked back at Tae but Tae was kneeling down infront of him. "What are you doing?" Kook asked and tried to make Tae stand. But Tae didn't.

"Jungkook, I hated you with bottom of my heart, I wanted to take revenge for insulting me that's why I married you. I was blind by revenge so I never noticed the care, love you always give me. You always do your duty as a husband but I never did, even I slapped you. But still you never leave me instead you stay by my side at my worst. I always try my best to ignore your existence but i never realized that you existence makes me happy. I am not good at words but I love you koo. I know I never did anything as a husband but now I want to be a good husband. I thought I hate you but it's so HARD TO HATE YOU Koo because I love you so much. Will you give me a chance to prove myself? Will you stay forever with me?" Tae confessed.

All the time Jungkook was silent, he didn't even said a single word. Tae was sad he thought that Jungkook would never give him a chance. Tears rolled down from Jungkook's eyes. Tae hurriedly stood up. "Bun, what happened? Why are you crying?" Tae panicked. "It's okay if you don't want to give me a chan~" Jungkook didn't let Tae completed his words. Jungkook smashed his lips on Tae's. Tae was shocked at first but then he also started to kiss back. After a good time of kiss, they parted away. "I love you too Tae" Jungkook shyly said playing with the hem of his shirt.

HARD TO HATE YOU | TAEKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now