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Jungkook's pov,

Next day I woke up and saw that it's already 7 am and Taehyung would leave at 8 so I hurriedly woke up from bed and went to washroom. My leg was hurting like hell .

After 20 minutes I got out from washroom and hurriedly went to kitchen while limping.

"Kookie, what are you doing here? You go I can manage here" Mina noona said with a concerned tone. "No noona, he will be angry if he get to know about this, he strictly ordered me to cook for him. "But kookie" She cut off. "You want to gain sympathy right? And want to make me bad in front of everyone, then listen you bunnyshit, don't try to make me bad because I am already the worst" He said. "But I just" He cut me off.

"Mina made breakfast for me, and said to that attention seeker to get out from my eyesight" He said and went to dinning area. Mina noona wanted to  said something but I stopped her and left to  guest room again.

End of Jungkook's pov.

Taehyung's pov,

Yesterday when I was in the gym I got a call from Seo-yeon.


I picked up the call. "Hey Tae, what's up?"  She asked with a cheerful voice. "I will call you later" I said while panting. "What the fuck? Are you fucking someone Or what?" She asked with a annoyed tone. "Shut up! I am in the gym" I replied.

"Gym?? In this time?" She asked. Then I told her everything. "WHAT??? YOU MARRY SOMEONE??? AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN TELL ME??" she said with a angry tone. "I tried many times to call you, even I mailed you but your phone was not available. And all the things happened so fastly. And I was looking for a boy you know right, Who insult me?" I asked. "Yess" She replied. "Hmm, that's why I married him cause he is the boy and I will make his life hell" I spilled. "That's okay" She said. "I will come day after tomorrow to your house and can I live with you?" She asked. "Of course" I replied, how could I say no to her  she was my only best friend which I trusted the most after my parents.

"So you slapped him?" She asked. "Yess, but i shouldn't do that cause he got an accident" I replied. "Are you kidding me? You are showing sympathy to that bitch who insult THE KIM TAEHYUNG infront of everyone?" She asked in disbelieve. I got angry after hearing that. Yess, he deserved it. "Okay then see you soon" I said. "Good night bae" She said.

End of Flashback.

Yess she always called me with names. And I didn't mind because she was my best friend and she always teased me with those names. Whatever I angrily went to home.

When I entered I saw everywhere was dark. I switched on lights . I didn't know why but I felt like check on him so I went to guest room. He was trying to get up so I forbade him. I even brought food for him. But he told me to eat or else he won't eat. I hate when someone arguing with me. So  I left from there.

Then I went to my room and freshen up and laid down on my bed. I closed my eyes then suddenly I saw his face. I hate to see that but why his face everytime came when I closed my eyes??

"He insulted you Tae, don't think of him, and don't show him any mercy, he is your enemy" My mind told me. After sometime I slept.

Next morning I woke up and went downstairs. Then I heard that bunnyshit and Mina's conversation. How cheap he was!! He was just an attention seeker. He wanted to gain sympathy from others. I spilled everything in front of him because I got so angry hearing his talks.

Then I went to dinning table and I saw him went towards guest room while limping. My innerself was telling me to help him but my mind didn't let me do that. "He is your enemy" My mind said.

After sometimes I eat breakfast, but today the food was not delicious like yesterday. "You just tasted his cooking food yesterday only , but you have been eating Mina's cooking food since years, so shut the fuck up and eat, he is your enemy" My mind again told me. I quickly ate breakfast and left to office.

End of Taehyung pov.

Jungkook's pov,

After he left for work I got out from guest room and went to kitchen. "Noona I am hungry" I said with a pout. "Okay my kookie sit here I serve you" She said. "Okay you also come with your plate, we will eat together" I said. "But kookie how can I eat with you?" She asked. "What is wrong in this?" I asked confusedly. "I am maid here" She said while lowering her head. "Have I ever treated you like that?" I asked. She nodded as a no. "I don't call you noona to show off, I mean it" I said with a smile. She ran towards me and hugged me.

"What happened noona, why are you crying?" I asked while hugging her back. "No one never treats me like you, I am overwhelmed kookie" She said and backed away from the hug. "Heyy don't cry or else I will cry also" I said. "No no look I am not crying" She said while wiping her tears. "Look at you, you are such a baby noona" I said while laughing. "Yeahhh, you are so meanie" She said with a pout. "Okay my pouty noona, give your kookie food" I said.

She served food and  we started to eat. Then i got a phone call from omma. We talked for 30 minutes. Then I cut the call. We haven't finished eating yet because we were talking to omma. And omma scolded me for not eating. Then again we started to eat rest of the food. Suddenly the door bell rang.

"Who came in this time?" I asked. "I don't know" She said and went to open the door. A girl around my age came in. I confusedly looked at her. "Kookie, she is Seo-yeon madam, Taehyung sir's best friend" Noona said. "Ohh hii Seo-yeon but Taehyung isn't at home" I said. "Yess I know that" She replied.

"Okay come sit" I politely said. "I will live here" She said with attitude. I frowned my eyebrows. "Tae gave me permission so don't look at me like that" She said. "Ohh okay okay, come have breakfast" I offered. "Are you eating in two plates?" She asked. "Ahh ani ani, it's noona's plate" I said while smiling.

"Noona?" She asked. "Yess Mina noona" I said. Mina noona was standing there while lowering her head. Why did she afraid of them I couldn't even understand till now. "Mina is your Noona???" She asked while laughing. "Hm so??" I asked confusedly.

"Aish!! How bad Tae's luck is!! He is married to a maid's brother" She said mockingly. My blood boiled after hearing her words.

"What do you mean haa? Aren't the maid human? They are not rich like you that doesn't mean that they are not human? If they didn't work for you, what will you do then haa? Stop behaving like a stupid" I spilled angrily. "Kookie stop" Noona said being so afraid. "You called me stupid?" She asked. I calmed myself down. "Listen I am sorry , I didn't mean to say those things but please don't insult them like that, okay leave those things and have breakfast, come" I said. "Breakfast with a maid!!" She said while rolling her eyes and left to guest room where I was last night.

"All rich people are same" I said. "Noona come let's finish the breakfast" I said. "But her food??" She asked. "I offered her but she refused, lets finish the food then we will give her" I said. "But If Taehyung sir get to know about this he will kill us" She said afriadly. "Why are you so afraid of them?" I asked. "Nothing lets finish the food" She avoided my question and started to eat her food. Maybe she was hidding something.

After sometime, we made breakfast for her and about to go to her room but i got a hard slap on my right cheek.

End of Jungkook's pov.


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