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Next day

Taehyung's pov,

I woke up and what I saw I can't believe. There was a living angel laying down beside me looking ethereal in the sunlight. I caressed his cheeks. I was observing his features, then my eyes landed on his rosy plumpy lips.

I wanna taste them badly. "Are you fucking kidding me?" A voice came from my behind. I quickly moved my hands away and pushed him on other side from my chest and woke up. I left the room.

"What the fuck were you doing just a while ago?" Seo said with her disbelief tone. "I.. I" I didn't know what to say.

"Don't tell me you are falling for him" She said. " w..why would I?" I protested. "Listen Tae" She said with her soft tone and made me sit on the couch.

"I don't want you broken again,last time i lost my Tae after she left you, but i don't want to loose you again, love is nothing but just give you pain and you know that right?" She said , her eyes we're glossy.

I remembered those moments when she left me for another man. I gritted my teeth. I nodded. "Then why are you doing the mistake again? And he insulted you Tae infront of everyone how could you fall for him?" She angrily said.

"Yess you are right? I hate him" I gritted my teeth while remembering the moment when he insulted me infront of everyone. Then I saw his smiley face.

"Fuck it" I stood up."I have to go to office" I said. "Make him realize with whom he messed with, make him regret to marry you" She said and I left to my room to get dressed.

I entered in my room. I saw him still sleeping. Her words hurted my ego. So i took a glass of water and spilled on his face. He woke up quickly.

"Get the fuck out of my room and make breakfast for me" I ordered and left to washroom.

After 30 minutes, I got out from washroom. I got dressed up and went to downstairs.

"Tae, teach your husband some manners" Seo said. "What did he do now?" I asked. "I asked for food and he had the audacity to say to wait" She said while rolling her eyes.

"You can just wai-" My words cut off. "What the fuck Tae? Are you serious? When do you change this much?" She said in disbelieve. "Are you the same heartless Mafia king??" She said. And it hurted my ego.

I straightly went to Kitchen. "Are you done?" I asked. He nodded. "Open your shitty mouth" I groand. "Yess" He answered while coming towards me with food tray.

I went to dinning table and he was behind me. He served the food. We almost finished our food. "Where is Mina noona?" He asked. "Her daughter is sick, so she couldn't come today" I said.

"Can I go to her place?" He asked. Sometime I wondered was he really good or he was just pretending. "Look Tae, your husband wanted to go to a maid house" Seo said with a sarcastic laugh.

"Why you want my permission?" I asked. "You can go wherever you want" I added.
"Why are you letting him do whatever he wants?" Seo asked. "Let him" I said and went out for office.

End of Taehyung's pov.

Jungkook's pov,

I believed that he was hiding his innerself. Maybe he wasn't that mean and rude. I could protest but my mom used to tell me that love and care can change a person. And that's what I wanted to do. Maybe it was my stubbornness. And my mom also used to told me that after marriage you should never leave your partner alone. You should try to change them first.

So that's what I was doing. I didn't know about love but maybe my care could changed him like before.

"Waitt, I forgot to take Mina's adress. What will I do now? I don't have his number. If I ask to bodyguards , it will be weird to don't have husband's number. I went to that stupid girls room.

I knocked on her room. "What?" She said with an annoyed face. I wanted to save her eyebrows but let her go because she will be looking like pig with ut her eyebrows. "Ohh hello" She waved her hand infront of me. I came out from my imagination.

"Can you give me Taehyung's number?" I asked. "And why would I?? WAIT.. WHAT???" She said in disbelief. "He doesn't give his number to you?" She asked. "No" I replied. She laughed her ass out.

"Aww, her laugh is so scary, I should record it and play it on Halloween party" I murmured. "Did you say anything?" She asked. I nodded as no. "Number" I said.

She didn't give me his number. I left from there to our room. "Witch" I cursed. Then I called papa.

"Hey papa" I said. "Heyy kookie, how are you?" He asked. "I am okay papa, how about you and dad?" I asked. "We are also okay" He said. "Actually papa, I need Taehyung's number" I said. "That brat didn't give his number?" He asked.

"No" I said. Then he gave his number and we had some conversation . I hung up the call and then dailed his number. The phone was ringing, my heart was also ringing I mean beating.

"Stop beating" I said to my heart. Then he picked up the call. "Who is this?" He said with his cold tone. "Jungkook" I replied. "What do you want?" He asked. "I forgot to ask Mina noona's adress" I said. "Oh okay, i will send you" He said and hung up the call.

I cooked food for that stupid girl and then got dressed up and went out to meet Mina noona. We spent time together, her daughter was so nice. They didn't let me come home but I said I had to make dinner for Taehyung so they let me go.

I came back home at 5 p.m. I freshen up and went to kitchen. "Where the fuck you were?" Seo asked. "And who are you to ask me?" I replied. "Did you just talk back?" She gritted her teeth. I rolled my eyes and started to cook. "Let Tae come today, I will show you your place" She said. "I know my place, maybe everyone should know their places" I said. "Did you just indirectly said that to me?" She asked.

"Did I mention your name?" I asked. "Bloody bitch" She stomped her foot. "Bitch knows another bitch well" I said. "YOU" She tried to slap me but I caught her hand. "I don't want to raise my hand on a girl so please don't cross your limits" I said and left her hand. She was about to go but tripped her leg and fell on the  floor.

In that time Tae walked in. And that drama queen started to fake cry. "Tae, see your husband pushed me" She said. "Stop with your dram-" My words cut off by a slap. Tae slapped me again.

She was smirking at me. I stood up and went to my room.

I could easily told my parents or his parents about this but no I was determined that I will change him and made him regret for his deeds. His every slap made me more stubborn. I wiped my tears away and laid down on bed and slept without eating anything.

End of Jungkook's pov.
Heyy yoo guys

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