12. Dusk to Dawn

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" Welcome to the first day of your cardio posting " Shehnaaz spoke to the interns in the hospital, she was feeling fresh and she wanted to do something different for a change , she knew she was being paranoid about entering an OR again but she needs time and thus the interns under Dr. Dhiman she made sure she teaches them for a day to see how it goes , anyways there were only 4 in number that came under him and she was enthusiastic.

" For the starting I would like to Know your precious names please" she spoke, she remembered Dr. Dhiman treating her in a similar way when she entered her internship and she thought to treat these 4 the same way.

" Are you sure " one with a specs and a bun asked, she looked studious Shehnaaz could make out.

" I'm is there a problem anyways " She asked going through the file in her hand simultaneously glancing at them

" I mean The previous month we 4 were posted to Ortho and the teacher never really bothered to know our names and we were assigned the numbers like ... I was called No 3 " She spoke shrugging and Shehnaaz glanced her a little longer than she preferred.

" And I was the number 1 " a boy with a darker complexion and his hairs tied in a small pony at the back spoke

" Apparently because he was The first one in his career with his hairs secured just like us , btw myself Number 2" a girl spoke, she looked arrogant or maybe she was just overthinking.

" And you I guess is no 4 " Shehnaaz spoke looking at the boy who has been as quiet as he could and he nodded , again strange for Shehnaaz as there was not even a word but just a nod .

" Yeah Because apparently he is always the one to speak the least in the posting" the previous girl Number 2 spoke, quite arrogant Shehnaaz concluded

" Okay so Nevermind I don't like calling you with number's so better , give me a name for addressing you " Shehnaaz spoke with a polite smile on her face.

" My self Rohit " the boy with his hairs tied spoke.

" I'm Shreya " the girl with the spectacle spoke and Shehnaaz nodded looking down in the file again.

" Myself Shruti " the voice was of the same arrogant girl she felt and she waited for the last one to speak but he never spoke.

"What's wrong " Shehnaaz asked .
"Nothing' he responded.

"Then let me know your name" Shehnaaz spoke and waited for him to speak .

" Aavyaansh " he spoke.

" Nice Name Dude "Shehnaaz spoke and he gave her a small smile.

" okay so let's get some thing's straight I am not someone you need to feel scared from but I prefer punctuality & a-lot of discipline so better report at the time you are supposed to, I would also make sure you don't get detained in your log books but that would demand you all to be cooperative doctor's " shehnaaz spoke and could see them all nodding.

"Any questions" she added and could see a certain look of curiosity on everyone's face but she didn't wanted to ask from herself, she wanted to build the trust with them so that they could let her know what are they thinking.

"Mam" Aavyansh interrupted.

" yes" she spoke

"Does this mean we don't just have to spend time sitting in the demo rooms waiting for the surgeons & doctors to take the lectures and we could actually interact with the patients we are supposed too. " he asked

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