2: Wunder

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Ezra Squall was old. Very old. And yet, he looked like he was little over the age of 30, maybe even younger. Golden light flowed around the room like water as he hummed his song. Many said that he didn't have any friends, but Wunder was his friend.

Wunder was amazing. It could create, destroy, burn, freeze and pretty much anything, if Squall wanted it to. But Squall was frail, getting frailer every year, and he needed all the Wunder that was being generated just to stay alive, and Morrigan Crow was using it. He needed to contact Morrigan, but not through the gossamer. He needed her here, in the republic.

A sly smile formed on Squall's lips. He had a plan. A risky one, yes, but one with great benefits.

His fingers tapped the air as if he was playing a piano, and a small letter formed. An envelope wrapped around it and Squall commanded the Wunder to create a duplicate of it and send it to Morrigan.

Three hours later, Morrigan was standing in front of him, with her insufferable patron, Jupiter, standing behind her, arms folded. If Squall hadn't known better, he'd have said that they were father and daughter.

"I didn't tell you to bring company." Squall said.

Morrigan scowled, "You didn't say not to."

Squall nodded, "Yes. An error on my behalf." He sent a pointed look at Jupiter. "Leave."

Jupiter didn't seem to be listening; he was staring at Squall with wide eyes. Morrigan kicked him. "Hmm? Oh, right. Too bad, I'm not going anywhere."

"I'd rather not hurt you." Squall threatened.

A grin spread across Jupiter's face and Squall blinked in surprise. Was this man actually mad? "Good luck making me, with your... situation," Jupiter blinked meaningfully at Squall, and too late, Squall remembered what Jupiter's knack was. This was going to get difficult.

"Situation?" Morrigan's voice cut through Squall's thoughts, "What's going on, Mr. Squall?"

"Uh..." Squall had been planning to lie, but was that possible, with Jupiter's witness abilities? He decided to be safe, as his plan was risky enough already. "I need more Wunder to keep me alive. I need some of your Wunder, or I'll wither and die very slowly and very painfully."

"Why should I do anything for you?" Morrigan asked, "Surely you deserve this? You killed people who trusted you!"

That hit Squall like a bullet to the heart. He tried not to think about it. His friends were dead, and they had been for a long time. "It doesn't concern you. Just give me the Wunder."

"Fine, you can have the Wunder, I have plenty to spare, but on one condition."

"What's the condition?" Squall was wary.

"You tell me why you killed them. Everything. The whole story."


"Fine! Then do without Wunder!" Morrigan turned to leave, and Squall realized he'd made a mistake.

"Wait! I'll tell you what happened! But North has to wait outside."

Morrigan hesitated, murmured something to Jupiter, then turned back to Squall. "Okay, but I hope you know I tell him everything afterwards anyway."

Squall decided to ignore this. "I didn't kill them. I found them dead, reported them dead and was blamed for the murder. I ran from Nevermoor. I still have no idea who did it."

Morrigan though about it for a while "I don't believe you, but I'll give you Wunder anyway." Squall let out a breath in relief and they joined hands to let Morrigan give Squall some wunder.

I did at first have a really good bit where there is a massive description of how Squall found his friends dead but managed to save Elodie, but I forgot to save it and I came back for day 3 and it was all gone, and I just got really frustrated and only wrote a tiny bit.

Sorry about that.

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