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i take a step forward but couldn't while the grip was to tight he slowly turned me around to face him he looked in his early 30s,

while smiling he whispers in my ear "baby girl you look so gorgeous tonight you wanna have fun" i stammered on my words while i looked for silvia and i see her making out with a guy.

all of a sudden the man has fear in his eyes looking behind me and runs away i look confused i turn around and see...mavis

"mavis!!" i hug him smelling his cologne "you ok i'm gonna kill that guy" i stand back up and say "why do you care huh"

i almost fall over because of how drunk i am he sighs while picking me up on his shoulder "hey put me down mavis!" i scream over the loud music as a few eyes roll to us "he walks out the club and puts me in a car" your drunk princess"
"no i'm not mavis" he chuckles "right"
"what about my friend huh" he starts driving "i got her a uber don't worry"

i stared out the window "your hot" i say in a casual tone while placing my hand on top of his black trousers rubbing the middle his breath hitches "stop alexandria " he places my hand on my lap "where are you taking me" he stays focus on the road "i told your brothers i'm picking you up to stay at my place got it darling stop with the question "
"no" i simply say and he grips the stirring wheel not answering back

i woke up in a bed i don't recognise

what happened?

i look around seeing black walls and boring shit well who ever i hooked up with is a party pooper 🚽 i try standing up but fail and just sit legs crossed ,but i'm still wearing the same outfit and where's silvia

this is why i don't like clubs

alll of a sudden the door opened where i assume the bathrooom is a way taller man than me and black hair toned skin comes out with a black hoodie and grey pants

"good morning angelo "

a familiar voice comes out" m-mavis?"

originally i wanted it to be silas but mavis is cool to
anyway it feels like i've wrote 10 chapters wtf 😬

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