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well no fucking way i hear my alarm go off like fucking crazy

ok okay i get it i have school shut up

i yawn and scroll threw my phone i see silvia texted me..of course

silvia🔫:are you coming school today? pls do mf im alone with out you bitch

alexandria:yes yes i'm coming i'll be kinda late tho

silvia:okay see you in math class

i hate school again

i get up take a shower with music of course who doesn't then i put on my outfit

(ignore the face and hair) i dress like a boy i know but i got no one to impress at school

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(ignore the face and hair)
i dress like a boy i know but i got no one to impress at school

i walk downstairs and yes i did skip makeup i don't need to impress anyone at school

i get downstairs to see my brothers eating breakfast "one of you fuckers gota take me to school". "nope" they say in unison "what do you mean nope". remember you got a guard now he drives you places "well at least i don't gota stare at your faces anymore" i take a piece of toss and get going i see the guard in my car already

yes i know i do have a car but my brothers and dad won't let me drive


i go into the passenger's seat "to mount cravery college please"
omg i'm turning soft
haha bitch turning soft
fuck you

"what your name" i say looking at him he has blue eyes and dark brown hair wearing a black suit while his muscle flex through the silk he sighs "my names vincenzo" i smirk nice meeting you "vince i see he resist the urge to roll his eyes

•• At hell••
i put my stuff in my locker and go to math class and i see silvia at the back...chocking someone
oh god help me
i run to the back where she is and try cut the shit out i pull her hand away from the poor losers neck "silvia what the fuck are you doing" lucky the teacher ain't here yet "what? that pussio tried stealing you sit" i sigh in disappointment "anything for my bestie for lifie" she gives me a smile

the bell ring and we sit down i put my head phones in and listen to my music

i never really paid attention to math because some how i still got good grades

i know surprising i get good grades

i look out the window then back at silvia,silvia and i have been friends for so long since we were 4 and she's been here for me the whole time and so have i

she always gets good grades but works really hard for them and sometimes i see she's jealous that i get good grades with-out doing anything and that hurts my heart i don't wanna make her jealous i should be the jealous one she's so pretty her long brown her is silky as fuck i always use to ask what she used..she never told me.

and her hour glass body,her style,her eyes hazel but not a calm hazel is shows crazy, psycho which she is "you done staring weirdo" i roll my eyes and then the teachers comes in

"hello class i would like you to take notes as we have a team project this lesson a due on tuesday
it's friday

i took my headphones off but i still hear the music so i still hear him i bounce my leg to the music as i thought he was done i put my headphones on and start drawing on my paper

i hear him say something but i don't care i just want this day to be over with after 1 or so minutes the door opens but i don't bother looking up and continue sketching i look out the window and see that mr beautiful got a boyfriend OoOoO

yes i do spy on the butterfly's so what?

the fly away cute

i finally look up to see..MAVIS

mavis started heading towards me and i glare at him he sits behind me..he goes to this school "horvath" i hear the teacher yell i take my headphones off "please pay attention" " sorry old man"
i mutter so he couldn't hear thank god he didn't

i feel a heat of air slither on my ear "miss me princess"
i smirk let's be bold
"i think you miss me more than i miss you shit face"

........ i hope you like this chapter

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