at the beach

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i was tanning peacefully when my idiotic best friend silvia "tommie what the hell you doin " that's what she calls me because i'm a tomboy get it girly ,tommie..losers

shut up

no you shut up weirdo

you just called yourself weirdo


i zone back in when i see a waving hand in front of my face "right um tanning isn't-i get cut off by her giggle "what?" "look behind you dipshit" huh

oh no i see my brothers getting ready to pick me up they pick me up and start running "put me down dickshits!!!" they laugh it off like idiots then thro me in the water

for god sake mate

i see mavis recording with a smirk while high fiving silvia..piece of shits

i stand up drenched from my adventure
as i should say and run up to my brothers and tackle oscar

why he gota be so tall

he stands straight as if nothing is happening and drop me to the ground "god i hate you guys ,you guys should respect your future boss you know " i saw with a smirk and then look at silvia with a glare "hey it wasn't my idea it was  davis idea "

he puts his hands up in defence "hey hey let's calm down you know it was kinda funny" he looks at me with a grin

idea moment!!!

i sigh and walk back to my tanning place..well act like i am when i'm behind my brothers i slap davis on the neck well i jumped

why theses fuckers so tall fuking giants

then i push my elbow in the back of his middle back and push as hard as i can and push him the water

all in a days work

i suppress my smirk and connect eyes with mavis his laugh is to-

cut out of it loser

i walk back to my tanning place and put my airpods in so i don't hear the fuckers playing like kids and listen to cigarettes after sex and think of my future

do i want to become a boss of one of the most terrifying mafia ?

am i ready?

soo much fucking pressure
hey guys i hope you liked this chapt-
*mavis walks in and pulls out gun

"who tf are you!!"

i smirk "hey mavis"

he looks confused

"ima good guy trust me well good girl "

"um right"

do i really gota explain to this guy
*i sigh

"come on sit i'll explain"


mavis and alexandriaWhere stories live. Discover now