down bad

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it was about lunch time and to be honest i never actually eat insecure insecure insecure i only eat to talk to silvia."girl come here!" i hear silvia shout from across the cafeteria i start walking looking down at my phone and suddenly i feel a bump if that makes fucking sense i fell down on my head fucking hell

i look up to see the bitch i hate the most but so god damn attractive for know reason "can you watch where the fuck your going" he says with an attitude "what your fucking time pretty boy" i say with a smirk for jokes obviously..but he  

BLUHES i get up and i go on my tippy toes seeing everyone looking at us and his friends laughing at him and saying 'mad he's actually blushing' i whisper in his ear "i see your kinda a submissive one ,tell me why are you all pink hm?" he goes all quiet gotcha

i pat his shoulder before walking away while looking at the people staring at me and just about in time when i get to silvia everyone gets to their conversations again

"you better the fuck tell me what's happening and i mean everything" she has a serious look on her face and that's when you know she's being serious and doesn't just want to know the drama in my life for fun

tell her
tell her
tell her
no i can't tell her i mean what am i gonna say Oh i'm suppose to be a future leader of a mafia clan i'm in and i never knew till now and still don't know anything about what i'm supposed to do and OH that guy he's my trainer and also a huge dic-"helllooo" i snap out of my thoughts "look i'm sorry silvia i-i can't tell you anything" with that i walk out the cafeteria

what am i DOIN


i don't really like this and i hate to admit but this is just a filler

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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