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it's 8:35 and we took a break and sat down talking

"if im the princess apparently does that mean i'll be the boss in the future"

my brother davis nods "viem už to znie sialene stale ano zistil si to prednedavnom a prepac sis nepovedal som ti to ale pomozeme ti a porazime ludi ktorych nenavidis ak to bude lepsie
(i know it sounds crazy still yea you found out like not long ago and i'm sorry sis i didn't tell you but we will help you and beat the shit outa people you hate if that makes it better )

i sigh "thanks " smiling i look at mavis who is very confused but shakes it off

"let's get back to training shall we "

but it's so boring i wanted to say that in all their faces

"training is so boring why don't you guys teach me to throw knives or defence all i do is aim a FAKE gun to a target and shoot"

my brother sighs and taps my head knowing i hate that i death stare him and he instantly takes his hand off

good bitch

"i know but it's gets funnn"he sings the last bit making me roll my eyes


"i'm tired we been training for like 3 hours and it's 10:57 "

mavis shakes is head smiling "fine we'll stop from her-" davis cuts him off "oh and! we have days off till sunday it's thursday now so maybe we could go out on friday ?"


" sure " we all said my brothers left

it's me and him now

" good night darling "

i fake smile

"good night p'ero hlava"

i walk away like the bad ass i am


i hate this

all i think of is mavis and mavis

fuck you mavis

ever since i woke up i think of him

does he think of me to?

does he hate me as much as i hate him?

he's hot il give him that but he's so...i don't know he just pisses me off so much the nicknames ,his face ,his words hi-

yo how'd you get home last noight

*night* and my brother picked me up and took me home did you get home safe

yea all good
sooo i was wondering you got any plans today

well i'm going to wherever my brothers are planning on going today maybe you can tag along


(she ain't actually pregnant it just fits her name )

silvia and oscar definitely have something going on i feel it and everytime we have out they talk and laugh and touch each other and i see oscar's face get all bright and pink

davis never really had a girlfriend i see why he's a dip shit kinky weirdo
one time we went clubbing and he fucked like 2 girls because he was bored

eat dick

i on the other hand have had sex meaningless sex i hate that
the first time i had sex i didn't even enjoy it

i don't want meaningless sex i want sex that i feel actually pleasurable
that's only going to happen when i find a real man
i like being the dominant one i don't care
i still need a real man
i read a lot of romantic and smutt shit don't judge i know you do to secretly


time for whatever these people wanna do
mafia weirdos


" we going to this to this new beach around the area"

oscar says in the most happy shitty voice

"can silvia come to".

oscar blushes

got ya

umm-s-sure i don't mind

i nod

"well i'm gonna get ready at her plac-

"mavis is coming to"


"ugh does he have to"

"yes,safety reasons".

i love davis but sometimes i wanna round house kick that boy to russia

"bye losers"

"i don't know what to wear please ally help me "

i laugh "sure"

after like half an hour we found the ones
outfit check

this is my outfit and i have like this strap on my thigh that has a knife on it even tho idk how to use one i put on secretly so she wouldn't see don't worry that makes me think now silvia is gonna be surrounded by mafia and dangerous people i nee...

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this is my outfit and i have like this strap on my thigh that has a knife on it even tho idk how to use one
i put on secretly so she wouldn't see don't worry that makes me think now silvia is gonna be surrounded by mafia and dangerous people i need to tell her

not right now

not right now

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"now let's go"!!

hope you liked this one

i promise mavis and alexandria's relationship builds up you gota be prepared tho

as in i mean smutt

maybe after this book i'll make oscar and silvia books


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