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"fuck what happen last night" he sighs while putting his hands in pockets on each side "we'll long story short you got drunk and i saw you so i took you home before anything bad could happen"i could not focus because of his deep morning voic-i hate him i hate him i hate him

i clear my throat "i wanna go home i'm tired" he hums in response

"uh um i said i wanna go hoommme"

he hums again in response looking at his phone "are you even listening to me" i said in a calm tone

what i found out saying something in a calm tone when angry scares people

"of course i am bellisma ( Beautiful) i bet he called me fugly

i rolled my eyes and try standing up
"did we...hm"


i sigh in relief and i feel my fucking heart moved to my head when i stand up

"can i please skip training today"

he finally looks away from his phone and looks at me walking towards me "well we can train at night if that makes it any better" i look up to him

i hate being. short. well i'm not short to other girl but mafia boys apparently all are like fuckin 7 ft tall

i take a deep breath "fine"

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