Notes - Heizou x Kazuha

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Highschool au where Kazuha and Heizou attend the same boarding school in the same dorm.

At Tevyat High, the dorms had always been warm and cozy. A home away from home, so to speak. Heizou had always viewed them that way too - until recently, that is. Recently, he'd started tossing and turning uncomfortably in the night with only one thing on his mind - Kazuha, his best friend who he'd had a crush on for a long time. It was killing Heizou. He was normally a very forward person, but he felt that it would be wildly inappropriate, insensitive, and rude to reveal his feelings to Kazuha. This was because he knew Kazuha was not looking to be in a relationship. He knew better than to push his friend when he wasn't quite over his past.

Kazuha had a boyfriend named Tomo at his old school. They were incredibly close. Kazuha had made that much clear to Heizou when (on the very rare occasions) had talked about Tomo. In short, Tomo had tried to get the class president expelled because of several sketchy things she was doing. One of which was controlling and blackmailing students. Tomo had a strong sense of justice and felt the need to try and fight back against her, however, it only ended with him getting expelled instead. He had such a blemish on his student record that he had a hard time finding another school to take him in. When he did, he was under strict rules and was not allowed to contact anyone beyond his close family. In effect, Kazuha had lost his best friend and since then had not been able to speak to him. He might as well have been dead.

It had been a year since then, and Kazuha had transferred to Tevyat high, shortly after Tomo had been expelled, seeking a fresh start. Kazuha was an outcast for a while since rumors spread about him. The rumor at Tevyat High was that Kazuha had helped Tomo try and overthrow the class president at his previous school. It was as if Kazuha was some sort of fugitive who had ran off to another school to avoid everything. When he and Heizou met though, they became instant friends. He respected Kazuha and whatever wounds he was bearing; something nobody had really ever done for him. Kazuha even came to Heizou's soccer games, which Heizou enjoyed immensely. Having someone in the stands cheering you on was special and made you work harder on the field.

As Heizou's feelings grew though, he had began slacking in his studies. He would rather spend his time with Kazuha or practice soccer, but in order to keep being on the soccer team, he needed good grades. Heizou also wanted to get into a good law school, so he knew his grades needed to get straightened out.

In a moment of clarity, Heizou remembered that a big test was coming up soon.

"Fuck..." he groaned as he rolled over in bed. He needed this test to go well, otherwise he'd end up with a C- and be in a dangerous position. Suddenly, an idea came to him and he reached for his phone. He proceeded to text Kazuha about it.

Message to Kazu

H: Hey, got some time to study
tomorrow after school?
I really need to ace this test...

K: Yeah, of course! Social studies, right?

H: Yup. I can't play soccer
if I screw this up.

K: You'll do fine, don't worry.
I've got some great notes for us to use.
Meet you at your room?

H: Sure. C ya then.

Heizou put his phone away and tried to go to sleep. In the morning, he straightened up his room a bit and then went to his usual classes. After school he quickly grabbed some snacks and water from a vending machine and then waited for Kazuha back at his dorm room. As he sat down at his small table in the room to get out his things, he noticed his palms were sweaty.

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