Chapter 6

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"Bepo, hurry up!" Law ordered, noting his crew member's bad habit of apologizing. They didn't have time to waste. An admiral would be upon them soon. The Marine HQ was nearby too.

"I've contacted Cole." Shachi reported, "They can move now, but the coating isn't done yet."

"Tell them to move. We'll come back for the coating another time!" Law instructed.

"Roger that, Captain!" The den den mushi mouthed, followed by a quick kachap as the line went dead. His crew already following orders. Shachi stuffed the sleeping snail back into his pocket and he sped up to clear the path ahead with Penguin while Bepo and their new recruit worked in the rear.

He pulled to a stop when he spotted the other pirate crew struggling with a giant in black with bear prints. "Captain, it's Eustass Kid and—"

"What the hell is a Shichibukai doing here?!" Law interrupted, easily spotting the tall 22 meters male.

"Trafalgar Law." The Shichibukai noted, locking onto the captain standing on a root.

Law lowered his stance. "So, you know my name..." He muttered as a yellow glow emitted from his mouth milliseconds later a laser shot forward.


Charlotte cursed at the cry and pushed forward, taking out the trailing marines on her way. If someone was going after her target—"What the hell are you doing here?!" Charlotte glowered as she made it into the clearing. She noted the two devil fruit captains in the center, abilities activated.

"We're right by Marine HQ and Marie Geoise. It shouldn't be surprising no matter who you run into." Law said toward the hunter, though he kept his focus before him.

That is true. Charlotte scolded herself for being surprised, and jumped into the center between the two captains, who shot her a sideway glance, wondering what she was doing. "I'll only do this once." She warned, reaching over to her left arm and unbuckling the leather straps there. "And only because I don't allow interferences in my hunt." She dropped the heavy leather bindings against the ground. "So, I'll clear the way and the two of you run."

"Like I told him, you're in the way." Kid said, stepping forward before the huntress, ignoring her offered help.

Law did the same, "Don't order me around. I don't need your help."

Charlotte glared at the two men before her, frustrated. These short-tempered, stubborn—

"It's just an arm..." One of the Heart Pirates behind her murmured, disappointment clear in his voice. "I thought she was hiding something underneath all that binding... but it's just a regular arm."

Charlotte's gaze fell to her bare arm and hand. Goddamn these pirates are annoying! She hissed and an explosion just right of her pulled her back to the battle at hand. A cut appeared on her cheek from where the laser just grazed her. She lowered her stance, blades ready. She didn't have the luxury to be zoning out.

Their attacks proved useless against the tough metal skin of the Pacifista before them and it wasn't long before they were all panting, bloody, and bruised compared to the robot that they could barely dent.

"Shambles." Law huffed, switching around his crew members to avoid another beam. The Shichibukai had taken off his gloves and were firing laser beams out of his hands now too. Two of his members had already been shot. One chipped in the shoulder and another immobilized by the laser that went through his thigh.

A giant metal fist smashed against the tiny head of the Pacifista, sending the giant robot tumbling into a tree. "Looks like you're having some trouble there." Kid smirked with a pant at the other Captain. A bright yellow glow shot towards him, tearing through his metal arm.

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