Chapter 35

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Charlotte slowed as she passed the mischievous duo, peaking over their shoulders to see what they were so absorbed in. Is that... Charlotte rushed across the galley, dumping her tray with a quick thanks. She grabbed the two of them by the neck, pulling them against her as she rushed back. The monitor attached to her almost fell over from the speed. "So..." She breathed, eyes twinkling devilishly over their plans. "When do we start?"

Shachi was the first to respond, a likewise grin falling on his face. This would be fun. Really fun. There were just so many more possibilities if Charlotte was to join them. "Soon. We're not done planning yet."

Charlotte's lips curled up even more. "Perfect." This was the best way to get rid of a boring day in the sub, and it was by far the most boring day she had experienced since joining. They haven't surfaced in forever, hadn't seen an island in who knows how long, hadn't met a marine warship, hadn't even seen a fish. A fish! They were in the goddamn ocean and there wasn't even a fish?! Her eyes darted back towards the elaborate string of pranks. Soon. Very soon, things will be better. "Have you decided on a target yet?"


So, they had. Charlotte couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed. Though she supposed if they had picked Cole, she wouldn't argue. The male had been acting strange around her ever since Fishman Island, like he had something to say. Like he cared. A shiver ran down her back and she shook the scary thought away. I rather much have him annoyed at me.

"We were originally planning on you." Her lips thinned. "B-But since you're helping us now. Wedon'thaveanyone!" They rushed quickly at the glare, eyes shutting tight, and hands splayed out before their faces as if it would protect them.

"Y-You can pick the target!" Penguin offered quickly, trading it with their safety.

Her smirk grew at the proposition and their stomachs dropped. They were going to regret this, weren't they? Her voice dripped with acridity as she spoke.

"The target is the lovely captain: Law."

"But—" Charlotte shoved a slender finger against his lips, shushing him with a quick wave of the digit. "You offered and I selected. If the asshole is going to keep me locked up here, then you bet my shit that I will pay him hell." Charlotte declared as if she was sealing a curse or making a blood pact. She smiled at them, the air around her lighting up as she did. "Now, I'm counting on you. Don't you dare cheap out since it's Law."

Shachi shot the other a glare as they watched the huntress leave. The portable heart monitor trailing behind her silent except for the rolling of the wheels against the metal floor. "You just had to offer her the choice of a target." He spat sordidly. The monitor yanked unceremoniously, jerking after her. Yep, she was still mad.

"How was I supposed to know it was going to be—"


"I thought we might get lucky and get Cole!"

"Are you sure this is safe?" Bepo questioned looking at the rope tied across his waist and then the fast ripples of water next to them. He wasn't so sure about fishing anymore. It sounded fun when Charlotte first mentioned it, but now he wasn't so sure. "Aren't we supposed to be using a fishing rod or something?"

"Hm?" Charlotte hummed as she secured the knots. "You're a bear though." She commented as if that was reason enough. Or so they keep telling her when she called Bepo a sheep. "Now remember, we don't have a lot of time before the sub goes under again. No pressure."

"We don't?" Bepo deflated. He was hoping they'd stay upside for a while longer. They've been on strict under-the-radar mode since Charlotte fell sick. The huntress frowned when she caught the bear staring at the ECG monitor. Extra precautions that drew far too much attention in Charlotte's mind. "Are you feeling okay?"

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