Chapter 22

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Charlotte wandered through the halls easily, arms folded behind her head and eyes closed. Law went there. Poked at her pride of being a hunter. Finding a measly Devil Fruit in a base filled with enemies couldn't be that hard for a hunter. Sure, it wasn't hard, but—Charlotte didn't get a rat's ass about the stupid fruit. What was she going to do with another Devil Fruit anyway? Eat it? Thing tasted like shit the first time, she was certain it probably still tasted like shit.

Yet some way or another Law managed to convince Charlotte to actually search for the damn fruit, separately too. Charlotte would take care of the east wing while Law west. A plan that weighed favourably in Law's direction only. Which was why she was rebelling by searching with her eyes closed.

Her eyes snapped open, arms dropping before her, muscles ready at the strong presence before her. Standing next to Hina was a large, muscular, tanned man with purple hair with a strange black mechanical right arm. The hairs on her body stood straight when he turned towards her. Whoever he is, he is insanely strong. Charlotte swallowed thickly.

"Ah, that's the woman I was talking about, Zephyr-Sensei." Hina informed and Charlotte fought the fight or flight system that ran through her very core.

The man known as Zephyr scanned Charlotte once over and near silent murderous intent flooding out from her, and grinned. "You don't give her enough credit, Hina." The old instructor laughed, and the two females stared at each other confused. "This one's going places." He explained and lifted an arm to pat Charlotte's shoulder. Heavy! Charlotte heaved under the supposedly light taps. "Isn't that right, um—"

"Charlotte," Hina supplied, and Charlotte snapped her head around to stare wildly at her sponsor. Was every marine a chatterbox?! Charlotte groaned inwardly, somehow feeling that she was attracting unwanted attention again. "You say that, but this morning she got knocked out in a single hit." Charlotte's gaze went flat. Yep, that blow to her pride will last for some time. Maybe she should go find the guy and clock him one back. "Though, you seem to be much better. Maybe I didn't have to pull you out of the rest of today's class."

Zephyr laughed at Charlotte's expression, and this time his excited grin was towards the young Captain. "This one looks ready to fight you for that comment."

"Oh, you think you can take me?" She asked coolly around her cigarette, intrigued. She sized up the young huntress who only looked away.

Avoid unnecessarily conflict. Law's order rang in her mind, and had it not been for Zephyr next to her, she would have done the opposite just to annoy him. "Anyway, who are you and what's with the giant robo-arm?" Charlotte pivoted, having adjusted to Zephyr's heavy arm.

"Oi, show some respect! That's—"Zephyr waved Hina off. He laughed it off easily, reassuring the young captain that it was fine. "I'm a marine instructor and most here call me Zephyr-sensei." Zephyr introduced and lifted his large arm out before Charlotte. "As for this, it's a long story, but in short some mad scientists to give it to me after I lost my right arm."

"Was it Dr. Vegapunk?" Charlotte asked instantly, swiveling her gaze from the Battle Smasher and towards the man who only laughed at her eagerness.

"No, it was some other scientists." He chuckled when the light on her face dropped at the disappointing news. "You seem rather interested in the doctor. Were you hoping to meet him?"

"He's here?" Charlotte snapped her head left and right as if she could see him. Zephyr laughed at her excitement, apologizing for teasing her and Charlotte deflated, muttering something about disliking the marines present.

"Why are you so interested in the doctor?" Zephyr asked, watching closely the woman's brows knit together and her words became more selective.

"... I have a question regarding Devil Fruits." Charlotte explained quietly and Hina quirked a brow at that. Outside of being done in with a club to the head, the woman was plenty strong without a Devil Fruit. Nor did she seem like the kind to be wanting one.

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