Chapter 20

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Bright light of all colours illuminated the night sky while souls in song and dance filled the air, and the smell of sweets and spices filled the crowded streets. "What is all this?" Charlotte questioned, voice airy and mouth pulled to the edges of her face. Platinum eyes wide with wonder as she watched the colourful and lively stalls filled with laughter and people.

"It's a festival!" Shachi explained while the Heart Pirates watched her genuine excitement and curiosity with surprise. Her eyes were sparkling and full of wonder that they often didn't see on the woman.

"For someone who didn't want off the submarine, ya seem oddly excited about a damn festival." Cole grumbled, though there was a slight tease in his voice. Charlotte had been adamant about staying aboard the submarine to search for her heart knowing that the group would be somewhere on land until Law challenged her about leaving her hunt unattended. Though at this point, they weren't sure if she was paying attention to her target. Her eyes glued to everything else around her instead.

Charlotte turned back to the group and Cole flinched, expecting another fight. "What's a festival?" She asked instead.

The Hearts stopped in their tracks and all gazes turned back to the huntress in shock. "You've never been to a festival?" They cried as if it was a crime.

Charlotte nodded.

"Have ya been livin' under a rock? How have ya never been to one?" Cole snapped and Charlotte crossed her arms across her chest, jerking her chin away. "Is there something wrong with that?" She eyed the other, challengingly.

Law ignored the verbal argument between the two, his eyes narrowing on the huntress whose attention kept slipping towards the many stalls around them. She really wasn't lying when she said she's never been. Genuine wonder lit her face and her desire to try out this thing called a 'festival' was clear in her eyes. It was the same kind of look she wore when she first saw snow. How odd to have so many first for someone her age.

Penguin elbowed Law and the taller male quirked a brow at the action. He sighed at the look on Penguin's face. "We're not here to play..." He turned back towards the huntress and her wandering eyes. "But we can afford to have some fun." He hid a smile under the shadow of his hat at the way her face lit up.

"Yosha!!" Shachi and Penguin cheered loudly. They turned towards the surprised huntress. "You're going to have the best first festival ever!" They promised and despite knowing better, Charlotte couldn't help the way her eyes sparkled even more as the two started ranting off on things to do. It sounded like fun.

"But first, yukatas!" The two mechanics announced after scanning up and down the huntress in her usual wardrobe. The boiler suit long forgotten after she realized that being a crewmember didn't mean she had to wear it. Before Charlotte could ask what a yukuta was, both males hooked one of her arms in hers and ran off, dragging her to the nearest yukata shop.

"Eh? Wait! But my target!!" Charlotte shouted, one gloved hand reaching out towards where Law and Cole remained still standing and watching as Charlotte gets herded off.

"Yeah, yeah, coming." Law reassured with a sigh when the huntress started struggling against their hold. He literally just said to avoid trouble and here the attention-hating huntress was drawing a crowd by throwing off her crew members off her. Her moves ceased when Law got closer, and he scoffed lightly at how simple she was. He froze when she shot him a beaming smile. What was that for? He thought quizzically, a hand covering his slightly reddening face. The message in that smile clear. Thanks! Now she didn't have to worry.

"Ya alright, Cap't?" Cole questioned when the other stopped. "If you keep standing there, the Annoying Witch will get more annoying again." He warned before following the others into the clothes shop. The more troublesome the witch gets was proportional to her distance from their captain.

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